Apr 19, 2010 02:17
[There's what sounds like a lot of growling, and movement. Numerous entities, it seems. Shifting, threatening noises, and some heavy, labored breathing.]
[A voice closer to the microphone growls a threat back, and the animal-like sounds get more vicious.]
Come on! You want blood, take it from me!
[And the growls turn into howls and roars as what sound like a pack of giant wolves closes in on the source at once.]
[What follows over the next few minutes can only be described as the sound of a slaughter. Killer roars give way to pained yelps, as the movements are muffled by wet ripping sounds. The yelps turn to whines, that eventually fade to nothing, except for the continued, raspy breathing.]
...I am the hunter, not the prey. You are the dead now.
My blade drank well. [Growl.]
†: columbus,
†: watanuki kimihiro,
c: amy sorel,
†: sha gojyo,
!: slash,