02 ▲ [text]

Dec 23, 2011 17:01

Hello, Siren's Port ! And happy holidays too ! (*^▽^*)

[ oh, it's that guy... the sidekick. He hasn't posted for a long time, has he? Neuro doesn't usually waste his time with the populace, but with Yako down for the count, it seems he's looking for some other ways to relieve his boredom. Ways that involve unironically using ridiculous little emoticons, apparently. He really is an eccentric demon. ]

Actually, I am quite curious about these holidays ! You see, though I was living in Japan prior to my arrival here, I remain quite ill-educated on these traditions ! It is so strange to see all of the city strung up with little lights and trees. Yet strangely charming (^ω^) but I am wondering what the purpose is ? Christmas is a religious celebration, but it seems like there is much more to it than that ! Why do you give so many gifts to everybody ?

Please tell me about the holiday traditions, okay ?

Oh, and don't forget to pay a visit to the detective office ! Sensei feels oppressed by the holiday cheer and is working straight through the holidays ! So burden her with as many cases as you like ☆

c: bigby wolf, c: tonegawa yukio, c: heiwajima shizuo, !: neuro nougami

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