IX. audio [dated to sunrise]

Dec 21, 2011 03:40

[ And so it is, that at dawn on the 21st of December, a familiar Song rings out, breaking the stillness with a resonant light. It dips and soars, an earthy sound that speaks of towering mountains and rolling hills, of leafy columns and golden shores, of beginnings and so much else ( Read more... )

c: nara shikamaru, c: roxas, c: xemnas, c: takuto hasegawa, c: saint michael, c: replica riku, c: terra, !: aslan, c: cloud strife

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action; kingofrooks December 21 2011, 09:59:09 UTC
[ He sees the video, but he doesn't reply. It's always a shame to speak to Aslan over these things; it's impossible to feel his presence, his warmth, and his strength.

But Bruce knows he's here, he's back, and he moves. He goes to Sector Seven, leaning against the gates and looking out at the lush green in front of him, the forests with their clean, crisp air, the bite of winter's chill visible on the edge of the grasses, on the tips of the leaves.

He doesn't say a word. He doesn't catch Aslan's attention. He knows that Aslan will come to him when He wishes, and he'll know that Bruce is waiting. He will come, and that knowledge, that reassurance- is all that Bruce needs. ]


action; aslandish December 22 2011, 04:32:58 UTC
[ He does know, and he comes in his own time. His pace unhurried, his steps all but silent despite those terrible paws, eventually he appears, a great golden shape padding across the field. Though he is unchanged, he seems brighter somehow, as though death itself only served to make him more vibrant.

He looks at Bruce, and there is an invitation in those fathomless eyes, unspoken but undeniably there. ]


action; kingofrooks December 22 2011, 04:41:15 UTC
[ He looks up at the sight, and the feeling of relief and light that floods him is too great is too great to be denied. Though he is less of a fool nowadays, and he does not try to. He only stands up, rocking back and forth on his heels before he moves forward, closer to Aslan.

It makes him feel like a child to do this, but he reaches out nonetheless, falling to his knees. His arms wrapping around the great head, burying his face into his mane. He breathes out shakily, and when he inhales it is like breathing in light itself, chasing the corners of darkness that still remain- that has multiplied since yesterday night.

His voice almost shakes. ]

You have been missed.

[ Perhaps it's a way of stating the obvious, but Bruce has never been particularly good at stating what he wants. This is easier. ]


action; aslandish December 22 2011, 06:15:41 UTC
[ He watches and says nothing, solemn and knowing as the other gasps his mane, holding tight as though he expects him to disappear. He won't, of course -- not here, not now or for the foreseeable future -- but it reminds him of the grief his absence causes, the concerns he expressed to Didi when she came to take him away.

The city has not been kind.

Nuzzling him a little, he leaves a whiskery lion kiss on Bruce's cheek. ]

I know.


action; kingofrooks December 22 2011, 06:48:19 UTC
[ The city has not been, no, especially with the past week. Bruce's eyes flutter close at the gentle kiss, at the nuzzling. Then, he opens his eyes and pulls away slightly, sitting on his haunches still half-kneeling in front of Aslan.

His smile is a little shaky, but it's the most genuinely glad thing that he has. ]

You're brighter. [ In general. Shining stronger, with greater light, greater warmth. Bruce feels rejuvenated just sitting here, with him. ]

Did you- [ a pause, and he wonders if he's being presumptuous- ] go home?


action; aslandish December 26 2011, 04:24:27 UTC
[ He smiles gently. ]

The sun shines ever brighter when morning finally comes.

[ Light, life, and renewal. He is no more or less than he has always been -- it is just now, in this moment, that he appears so, the glory of who he is revealed a little more.

As to the query, he nods briefly. ]

For a time.


action; kingofrooks December 26 2011, 17:07:29 UTC
[ He wants to lean in further, to bury his face against that magnificent mane and breathe in the sunlight. To hold Aslan until he feels safe and warm, and he knows that if he tries hard enough he might be able to catch the scent of lilies and citrus and talcum - his mother's hands. It has always been at the back of his mind.

But he doesn't. He refuses to use Aslan as a crutch, and so Bruce steps back until his back hits the tree again. His smile is crooked and a little blinding and altogether a little too sincere, and his heart aches a little with how much this soothes.

Aslan's death is like the ground being pulled underneath his feet, sending him crashing down, drowning, clawing at the edges of his consciousness. He's supposed to be the one thing that can't leave. Bruce closes his eyes. Opens them again. ]

Not even one such as You is immune to the Core, then. [ A murmur, and he sighs, very quietly, tipping his head up to look at Aslan. ]

The city has been greatly troubled.


action; aslandish December 30 2011, 06:22:47 UTC
[ He knows without asking, watching the other with those solemn yet strangely joyful golden eyes. He is glad to be back, glad to be with those he has come to call his own. It will not last, of course -- the day will come when his purpose here shall come to an end, and he will be sent home for good. He has a role to fulfill there yet, but until that time comes, he is content to be here.

He shakes his head once. ]

The risk is far too great.

[ He knew before, of course, but the firsthand experience with the wrongness hovering on the fringes of this world has driven the point home clearly.

Gravely: ]

I have seen them.


action; kingofrooks December 30 2011, 06:51:44 UTC
[ Of course Aslan had. Time shouldn't have the meaning to Him as it does to everyone else around here. Even if Aslan has only returned today, he could've seen the Shadows, the monsters... the lost children, trapped in the Darkness, crying for some sort of rescue and acceptance.

Bruce exhales very quietly. ]

They are lost. [ His eyes are steady upon Aslan, and there's a plea there, too. ] Trapped by their own foolish choices in the Darkness and resorting to bringing up the nightmares of everyone else to find some sort of love, or acceptance.

[ He sighs, very, very quietly. ]

Will you soothe them?


action; aslandish January 4 2012, 16:03:10 UTC
[ Meeting Bruce's gaze fully, the look in those golden eyes is a solemn one. He knows their circumstances, the creatures who were once children, and has already shown his wrath to one of them for imitating Him. It's not something he regrets, as he is is only too aware of how the Darkness has twisted them -- not just in shape, but in thought and substance. They are bound, and much as he might wish otherwise in this matters, there are rules that even he cannot break. ]

If they allow me.


action; kingofrooks January 5 2012, 05:08:33 UTC
[ There's a part of him that wants to tell Aslan to just- go ahead, to do what he has to and ignore the wishes of the children who have brought him and so many others so much pain. It's viciousness, pettiness, and Bruce crushes it underneath his heel as he takes a long, deep breath. ]

It would be unfair to aid them for the sake of others, especially if they do not wish to be helped.

Wouldn't it?


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