[03] | video | locked away from kazumaking

Dec 16, 2011 07:02

[ 'sup, siren's port? today we have this adorable little thing looking quite flustered and shy on the NV. she's got her index fingers poking at each other in kind of an awkward fingerbridge, and she's doing what she can to look away from the camera. the video itself is kind of at an awkward angle, though. her NV is on the table in front of her, and it sits a bit low, all things considered. ]

A-Ah, Kazuma-kun's birthday is coming up soon ...

[ she finally notices how awkward the position of the NV must be, and she picks up her NV, fixing it so that the camera is at an angle that's a little less ... odd. she's still got that blush on her cheeks as she talks, but at least now she's looking directly at the camera.

... err, as directly as she can look, anyway. ]

Does ... anybody have any suggestions on something nice to do for him?

[ and now she's looking down at the table again. s-so awkward. ]

A-Also, is there a resource for checking who may be hiring for the season? Perhaps longer?

[ ... yep. so very awkward. ]

c: caster, !: nadeko sengoku, c: lee chaolan, c: haruhi suzumiya, c: keigo asano

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