
Apr 16, 2010 19:07

These events hosted by SERO and AGI may seem to be generous ones. They may seem to be thoughtful and sensitive to our suffering. Do not, however, forget: these are the selfsame individuals who have kidnapped our compatriots and subjected them to brutal torture in the name of science. They've taken our acquaintances and forced them to participate in these grotesque "hunts," chasing them down like animals for the sport of those able to pay. These are generous gestures, yes, but they are empty ones, and pointless ones: we will not forget about these heinous crimes merely because we're offered the chance to participate in a dance party.

[Slight pause. A bit less strident now.]

People arrive in surges, it seems. To those of you who have just come here - use caution. This place is exceedingly dangerous. Any who have just arrived and are in need of financial assistance, contact me; we've a fund set up for help those who need money for food, for proper clothing, et cetera. Once you find employment, if you contribute to this fund, it will assist in ensuring that those who come after us likewise are not forced into desperation.

For those who are adept, in some manner or another, in combat, likewise speak up. As the more unfortunate among you may be aware, we have a force set up that keeps watch in the evenings, ensuring that those trapped out in the Darkness are not altogether stranded; if you're able to commit a night or two per week, it would go some distance towards safeguarding your fellows - and, indeed, yourselves.

, †: sha gojyo, †: ushiromiya battler, †: shijima kurookano, †: abel, †: big boss, c: jinx, c: amy sorel, !: miles edgeworth, c: ishida uryuu,

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