5. - voice.

Dec 10, 2011 00:15

[The voice in the transmission is even, cultured, and precise: a young man in his twenties, educated, with an air of amusement.]

What is the best gift you have ever received? What made it significant? Was it the monetary value of the gift, the use of it, or the context in which the gift was given? Or was it merely the sentiment, the affection of the person who gave it?

So much pressure to buy and buy. It is a strange reflection of human emotion.

Filtered from Clover//difficult to hack

As this year's holiday gift, rather than a cake or a book she'll probably set aside, I wish to secure a date on New Year's Eve for my younger sister. She is eighteen years old and has an energetic, straightforward personality. A young man around her age with at least passable manners and good hygiene would be most ideal. The lady in question is named Clover. She has pink hair and green eyes and is, by all reports, quite pretty and cute.

[A pause and a wry footnote:]

...And if Santa wanted to cadge me a nice man too, I must say I would scarcely be against it.

c: demyx, c: godot, c: snake, c: simon tam, c: zoey redbird, c: tyrell, c: daedalus yumeno, c: clover, !: snake (999)

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