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Dec 06, 2011 20:36

Okay, so, I can't 8e the only person here who's noticed. Unless everyone else has 8een too stuck in their warm little respite 8locks to even look out the window!
8ut it's COLD!
Like, really, really, really cold. Seriously, what is wrong with this place? I know you guys are only used to one sun, 8ut I at least thought it was doing a moder8ly accepta8le jo8 at keeping your silly 8lue planet from turning into a total desol8 w8stleland of frozen nothing.
8ut this is getting a little ridiculous!
Surely your primitive little race has figured it out enough to provide some 8etter means of warmth that these poorly constructed communal hives, right? I mean, come oooooooon! My fingers are practically freezing over as I type! Fuuuuuuuuck. I can feel the 8lood loss, what if they fall off???????? I'm a8out ready to get all primeval and go hunt a choler8ear and wear its hide.

[ Okay, so I can't be the only person here who's noticed. Unless everyone else has been too stuck in their warm little respite blocks to even look the window!
But it's COLD!
Like, really, really, really cold. Seriously, what is wrong with this place? I know you guys are only used to one sun, but I at least thought it was doing a moderately acceptable job at keeping your silly blue planet from turning into a total desolate wastleland of frozen nothing.
But this is getting a little ridiculous!
Surely your primitive little race has figured it out enough to provide some better means of warmth that these poorly constructed communal hives, right? I mean, come oooooooon! My fingers are practically freezing over as I type! Fuuuuuuuuck. I can feel the blood loss, what if they fall off???????? I'm about ready to get all primeval and go hunt a cholerbear and wear its hide.

c: france, c: neuro nougami, c: dave strider, c: terezi pyrope, c: amy sorel, c: haruhi suzumiya, !: vriska serket, c: cloud strife, c: luxord

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