
Nov 27, 2011 13:13

Sylar's in jail here. [ She pauses. ] But I can't see him staying in there for very long.

Is there anybody here that would mind teaching me how to defend myself? [ She pauses again. ]

And how do you lock things from people so they won't see it? [ Trying to get around the terms in that weird anonymous text-- ]

c: deadpool, c: stephanie brown, c: nara shikamaru, c: bruce wayne | batman, c: dick grayson, !: claire bennet, c: amy pond, c: dante, c: john watson, c: haruhi suzumiya

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video; batmanmecha November 27 2011, 21:21:25 UTC
I can help you with the lockin' thing, but 'fraid I'm none too good on the self defense line. I can scrap pretty well, and I'm good with a gun, but I've never taught anyone anything like that.


video; regeneratesalot November 27 2011, 21:34:32 UTC
Scrap? [ What are your strange fightin' terms! ]

I'd appreciate your help with the locking.


video; batmanmecha November 27 2011, 21:38:50 UTC
Yehknow, street fightin'? It's not really a style so much as 'do whatever you can t' not get hit'. Never really learned in any actual fightin' styles, like all those fancy martial arts and whatnot.


Re: video; regeneratesalot November 28 2011, 00:02:04 UTC
Street fighting? Isn't that illegal?


video; batmanmecha November 28 2011, 00:03:25 UTC
Pro'ly! Didn't have much of a choice, though. Growin' up on the streets, its fight and survive or get your ass kicked and die.


Re: video; regeneratesalot November 28 2011, 00:19:36 UTC
Couldn't you get off the streets? I mean, that's what those youth centers in cities are for.


video; batmanmecha November 28 2011, 00:21:23 UTC
Tch. Here maybe. I wasn't that lucky where I came from.


video; regeneratesalot November 28 2011, 00:26:07 UTC
What city were you from? Or... country, or world. [ since this place brings people from all over ]


video; batmanmecha November 28 2011, 00:30:01 UTC
Well, could say "Earth", technically. But if you wanna get specific 'bout it, I grew up on the L2 Colony Cluster. That's in space. [he points up to emphasize his point]


Re: video; regeneratesalot November 28 2011, 01:11:04 UTC
[ she raises her eyebrows in surprise. ]

Seriously? What was it like?


video; batmanmecha November 28 2011, 01:30:54 UTC
I get asked that a lot, and I still don't really know how to explain it to some one who's never been...

It's big, though. Makes you feel small, it's so damn big. I mean, the colonies are 'bout the size of a big city, but if you ever look out from 'em it's like the stars and dark never end.


Re: video; regeneratesalot November 28 2011, 01:36:56 UTC
It's not every day you meet somebody that lived in space.

So were you in like a huge space station, then?


video; batmanmecha November 28 2011, 02:21:01 UTC
Yeaaah I'm pretty damn special, aren't I?

[hard to tell if that's sarcasm or not, but at least he's got a good humor about it either way]

Think way bigger, and way more advanced. Stations are small fries compared to colonies.


video; regeneratesalot November 28 2011, 02:31:57 UTC
This is probably a stupid question, but did you have something that brought gravity and oxygen to the colony so it was more like Earth? [ SPACE COWBOIIIS ]


video; batmanmecha November 28 2011, 02:46:12 UTC
Nah, not a stupid question at all.

Actually there's no way to make artificial gravity, 'least where I'm from. It's actually centrifugal force. [he moves a finger around in a circle here] Basically a giant rotating cylinder simulates gravity.

As for air... well we do have trees. But there's usually a backup C02 scrubber or two on the colony, depending on how big it is.


video; regeneratesalot November 28 2011, 04:10:32 UTC
[ She'll just nod and pretend like she knows that the hell all that means. ]

Cool. Looks like I can look forward to living in colonies in space once I get back home.


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