I | First Fury | Video

Nov 16, 2011 18:14

[There’s the sound of faint rustling in voice feed, with a few half-audible phrases about “bloody crows” and other mumblings, and then it settles out into video feed, to show a teenage boy, maybe about seventeen or eighteen. His face has that adolescent look of being slightly unfinished, and he’s clearly heading from a pretty little boy to an angularly handsome man-but he just isn’t near either at the moment.

Pushing his long dark curls out of his face, he gives the feed a wry and lopsided smile.]

Hey, I’m Tavi. This place is- it’s amazing. I’ve never seen anything like it.

[ No kidding: from his face he looks Roman, and his clothing could be either Roman or mediaeval. A little dust-stained, red with blue trim, his tunic looks like it’s about to be a little too small for him within the next month or so, and his grass-green eyes are bright, smiling, and curious. ]

I don’t even know where to begin, although if anyone knows where I could get a job, that’d be helpful. I’ve got a lot of practice delivering messages, running errands, some writing and sums, that sort of thing. Or if I could have some books on history-is there some place I could borrow some?

[ It’s strange, but unlike a lot of people, he seems almost thrilled to be here. There’s not a trace of uncertainty or fear at the dimension-hop, nor of any ache inside for some of the people at home.

If it exists, it's very, very carefully hidden under the charming grin he flashes briefly. ]

Nice to meet you all.

!: tavi, c: caster, c: keigo asano

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