Moonrise 005 - Voice

Nov 15, 2011 11:19

[Saïx has settled in, more or less, to life in the Port. However, there is one thing he despises about this world. And that is how rare the moonlight is. He feels disconnected from everything, drained to a degree, and far weaker than he ever was under the heart-shaped moon of Kingdom Hearts. So, finally, this gets to him.]

The moonlight. It is something we take for granted, and yet to some, it is nearly as vital as air. Comforting, there often enough to be familiar. And yet, here, it is nearly absent. And when it does filter through the Darkness, it is as unfamiliar as a stranger you pass on the street. An old friend is transformed into a mere horrific shell.

[...Ironic, isn't it?]

...I do believe I yearn for the days when moonlight was a near constant.

c: clark kent, !: saix, c: axel, c: tyrell

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