
Nov 14, 2011 18:22

It's not uncommon to pose open hypothetical questions over the network- I know that happens quite often, and some of you probably tire of it. Feel free to skip this one, then, if there is anything more pressing on your time.

My working colleagues have yet again made lively and intelligent discussion of the morning carpool, and so I've spent the better part of the day thinking about this one on and off myself. The forerunners in the Siren's Port medical community's field, our friends at SERO Genetech, have made quite grand overtures in this vein over the past weekend!

An examination of our hereditary attributes, especially in a city like this, falls under scrutiny of a good deal of personal value ethics- depending on what sort of society you come from, of course. If you like to discuss these, I'd be more than happy to engage you as well. (With the caveat that a Romdeau doctor's position is- well, inherently unique.)

But my question is a simpler, broader one. I'm curious mostly about the range of answers among newcomers, and how to better address needs:

When it comes to physical alteration- Do you desire to change something, anything, about your own physicality?

Anything- Be it purely for cosmetic appearances, practical purposes, improved health and fitness, or simply to fulfill a personal goal? The resolution of an impairment, or an augmentation to improve upon your current limitations, or changing a genetic defect? What are you not content with, as you are?

Second question, if there is a 'Yes' attached to the first: What steps are you willing to take towards a change, and if you aren't in the process yet, what is holding you back? Financial costs, associated risks, pure procrastination, or is the technology simply not available? An ethical obligation to remain the way you are? A resolve that what you wish to alter is ultimately unnecessary, or a 'someday' plan?

c: joker, c: lee chaolan, c: bruce wayne | batman, c: blaine anderson, c: helen magnus, c: godot, c: demyx, c: livio | razlo, c: nina fortner, c: tonegawa yukio, c: sephiroth, c: simon tam, c: claire bennet, c: snake (999), c: john watson, c: franziska von karma, !: daedalus yumeno

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