Nov 13, 2011 22:57
[It's a miracle that Griffin hits the audio function, because he had actually been aiming for video.]
Hey. Hey.
[He sounds a lot different than he's ever sounded on the NV before. He's slurring, making his hard to understand English accent (with hints of Irish and Welsh and American and who even knew what else) even more unintelligible.]
How d'ya go about gettin' an apartment? Like, who do you even ask? Realtors don't do apartments, righ'? You all should know. Just bloody givin' away living arr.. arrangements. And no, don't want'em from you. [Where he sounded belligerent in the previous sentence, here it sounds like he's switched to pouting.] You'll jus' throw me out. 'M hard to live with.
[And then he bounces right back into being aggressive.] That means you, Michael. No. Your place is overrun anyway.
You know there's no good Lair sites here? Not one! What kinda... Y'stay on the outskirts of town too long and you just start feelin' like there's a bunch of Russians doin' th' Hopak in your belly. The industrial section is too cramped. An' there's really no place you can tuck y'self by the Orchard. I fuckin' hate this town. It's small and it's crowded and there's nowhere to go.
!: griffin o'conner,
c: richard b. riddick,
c: caster,
c: magneto,
c: carrie kelley,
c: khisanth,
c: crowley