[At first, the NV just catches the sounds of surf and the pounding of water against sand. The camera is pointed at the sky, showing the bright full moon
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[Spock leaves a message for the coyote, despite not expecting any response. Talking to the creature is more comfortable than speaking with many of the humans residing on this island.]
A lament of the wilderness of Earth.. [It is somehow something he feels he can relate to, perhaps in being away from one's own kind.] Hearing your cry is preferable to the unnatural sound of the ones who live in the city's darkness.
[Spock has no idea this woman was the coyote, so the message itself seems to be quite random.]
I presume you are familiar with the average Terran sleep requisites. Allow me to inform you that Vulcans require less sleep to maintain optimal health.
[Spock's head tilts slightly left.] I am capable of self-sufficiency. However, my living arrangements at the Tower Apartments include a human who is familiar with my timeline.
A lament of the wilderness of Earth.. [It is somehow something he feels he can relate to, perhaps in being away from one's own kind.] Hearing your cry is preferable to the unnatural sound of the ones who live in the city's darkness.
You're a bit young to be up so late.
[It's said with concern and without judgment.]
I presume you are familiar with the average Terran sleep requisites. Allow me to inform you that Vulcans require less sleep to maintain optimal health.
[Mercy smiles.]
I'm well used to people who don't need much sleep. My name is Mercy.
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