Nov 09, 2011 00:12

[anonymous text; moderately difficult to trace]

The girl the boy that runs legs thinks likes smiles eats wings. What does he do to talk to her?

[Separately from that, another message:]

If someone who helps a nun is a sister's assister, what is:

A nation's landed property?
A gambler's encouragement?
An injured muscle's nurse?
A nobleman's story?
A community festival's business?
A cop who takes in someone who's sleeping?
Someone who lets a friend off the hook for giving up?
Someone who checks a mathematician's work?

[...And she adds one more after the latest post:]

A protagonist's cute redheaded friend?


Hey. If you've heard about the vigilante crackdown discussions... well, what do you guys think about vigilantes?

c: iris, c: mary winchester, c: chessur, c: axel, c: sephiroth, c: chuck shurley, c: elaine belloc, c: franziska von karma, c: kotetsu t. kaburagi, !: raven

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