#004 - Video

Nov 05, 2011 18:12

-Luffy, stop playing with that.

[VIDEO ON. It's that idiot kid with the straw hat lookin into the video, even though it's Sanji's NV.]

Sanji! Show it to them! They need to see it!

[A groaning sound from off-camera, then it pans wildly as an excitable dumbass little guy swings the NV around to look at something on the table. It appears to be an ( Read more... )

c: iroh, c: caster, !: monkey d. luffy, !: sanji, c: gamzee makara, c: tyrell

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text-- ( if it bothers just say so! ) narcotizes November 5 2011, 23:51:50 UTC
HoLy FuCk MaN
A sHiTtOn Of WrIgGlEr SiZeD SaNdWiChEs . . .
WiThIn A hUgE mOtHeRfUcKiN sAnDwIcH.

[ burgerception ]


video flambage November 6 2011, 00:00:06 UTC
[The hell. Who actually writes like this?]

Uh... yeah, that's right, purple writin' person. It's burgers within burgers over here.


/SLAPS ODAWGG haki November 6 2011, 00:00:51 UTC
[ slowly munching and drooling on his chicken burger merger. what is this purple text. what are words ] Nnh-San'gee. Wush' that?


text narcotizes November 6 2011, 00:30:54 UTC
ThAt HaS tO bE tHe SiCkEsT bAkInG mIrAcLe I'vE sEeN tO tHiS dAy, DoGg.


video flambage November 7 2011, 05:06:37 UTC
Uh. Thanks, I guess. 'Sickest' is a good term where you're from?


text narcotizes November 11 2011, 22:07:10 UTC
HeLl YeAh MoThErFuCkEr! :o)


video flambage November 12 2011, 04:26:33 UTC
'Honk?' What's that for?


video narcotizes November 13 2011, 11:48:02 UTC
Expressing my motherfucking mirth, bro.


video flambage November 15 2011, 08:20:21 UTC
[wow. that is one strange kid.]

I think I get it. You, uh, like honking at things, like a bird?


text ( whoops and pretend the last one was text too! not video ;w; ) narcotizes November 15 2011, 13:44:19 UTC
LiKe ThE fUnNy HoNk HoRnS cLoWnS uSe!
UhHh A bIrD iS a . . .
ChIrPbEaSt, YeAh?

[ a pause . . . . . ]

WhOa ThEy HoNk?? :oO


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