
Nov 01, 2011 19:15

[Live, from SPPD's holding cells, it's Raphael Sorel! He sits on the cot, a supply of well-read books beside him, including one that he's currently flipping through. His cell looks a little more hospitable than it used to, a photograph of Amy visible on the wall behind him. Apparently he has made himself comfortable.

There are some dark circles under his eyes, but he otherwise looks much better than he did last time he broadcast.]

Where I come from, prison serves a dual purpose. It is a punishment and hopefully, a deterrent for those who would think to break the law. Conditions are harsh, prisoners are barely fed and guards are free to abuse the prisoners as they see fit. To be imprisoned is a death sentence.

[He turns the page of his book.]

Prison is also a means used by those in power to keep undesirables from polluting society. Madmen, lepers, the poor, political enemies... anyone they do not want mingling with the so-called "superior" people.

I begin to wonder which is the case here.

[He smirks at the camera, snapping his book closed.]

The day of my trial approaches. I was assigned multiple public defenders, all of whom expressed with no hesitance that I should plead guilty. I dismissed them, one after another. I wish to be represented by someone who will understand my plight and the circumstances behind my crimes before they decide what to do with me. Someone who will not buy into the stories of a ferocious vampire outsider who attacked and wounded and nearly murdered to slake his thirst for blood. Someone who will listen.

So. [He sets the book off to the side.] I want to speak to a lawyer. A statesman. Anyone who can summon the mental energy to string two words together that are not simply "plead guilty."

Or at least, if I am forced to do so, someone who will say it is because it's what's best and not just what will earn them their damned money faster.

[His request made, he sighs, and pushes his hair out of his face looking, for a moment, less proud than he is nervous.]

c: abraham van helsing, c: magneto, c: nara shikamaru, c: haruhi suzumiya, c: emma frost, !: raphael sorel, c: walter c. dornez

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