voice; replies voice unless otherwise noted.

Oct 28, 2011 21:25

[She sounds quite level.]

So I've been asking around about that new game that debuted that makes people forget who they are and sticks them someplace new. You all know what I'm talking about? The horror game.

It sounds like when people are put under, it feels like about twelve hours pass when they're in the house overnight. But 'outside,' so to speak obviously, only about an hour passes. So you've got twelve hours to every one. It's pretty time efficient.

So they reckon around twenty-four hours to every day here. Cut that into two chunks of twelve hours, and you could spend two hours put under, and it'd feel like a day. There are three-hundred sixty-five days in a year here. So say you were put under. Two hours per day means you'd, what, end up with seven hundred and thirty hours put under, to feel like a year? Feel free to punch holes in the math here if I'm messing some of the logic up. But seven hundred thirty hours put under. Divided by twenty-four again gets you about thirty days, plus a bit.

So, if you've been in Siren's Port for a year, if you were only playing one of these games, you'd actually have been under for about a month. I was just thinking about that.

[A pause.

And then much more cheerily.]

Also, about the skeleton dog that got mentioned in the news - did anyone on here pick that up? I might try for him if nobody else did. If someone did pick him up, can I see?

c: dante, c: richard b. riddick, !: asano rin, c: nara shikamaru, c: ishida uryuu, c: tyrell

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