Oct 27, 2011 14:17
[First, all you hear is a clatter, a faint sliding sound with more scuffling and a rather irritated "Mmmmph", until...
Larry finally manages to hit the video button with his foot (or maybe it was accidentally triggered while he was trying to do that). He's curled up on the floor, hands locked behind his back by fuzzy handcuffs, and a candy apple has been stuffed into his mouth - yup, in true suckling pig style. Slowly he struggles into a sitting position and tries to say something - only to fail miserably. Currently, the only things he can say are undecipherable noises around that rather large apple - as well as a strangled cry. Most probably for help.
Feel free to make fun of him if you're not going to help him out. And yes, do blame the Hawthorne pledges. They even took photos of him after breaking into his house, sticking a cadaver into his bathroom, pretending to arrest him for murder, and then leaving him in this sorry state.
This is totally the best thing to do to someone who's still grieving over his best friend.]
c: clover,
!: larry butz,
c: yako katsuragi,
c: franziska von karma,
c: sheila