[Accidental Video]

Oct 21, 2011 14:05

[The picture comes on to the sight of fingers fumbling, the screen being jostled about as the owner struggles to get a hand on their NV. Finally it stops with a loud clunk, the owner backing away from it, pointing an accusing finger at it, ignorant as to it's currently recording status.]


[Hey, Siren's Port, look who just crawled out of bed at one in the afternoon?]

[Asch is tired; so tired he doesn't even look Asch-like. He hasn't even had a chance to slick his hair back, so his bangs keep flopping into his face every time he attempts to do so with his hands. Finally, he gives up, flopping over on the kitchen counter and banging his head against it in a futile effort to wake up.]

S'not fair... I slept better than this crammed between Arietta's ligers and Dist...

[After a moment, he lifts his head, eyeballing the coffeemaker that can be seen just in view of the NV. He sees people downing that awful looking stuff by the cupful at work. He never touched the stuff -- who would want to drink anything that looked like liquid tar? -- but supposedly it helped people wake up...]

[After a moments deliberation, he grabbed the pot, and started drinking from it. It's not until the first bitter drop reaches the back of his throat did it occur to him how long that coffee had been sitting out in an unplugged coffee maker. By that time, too much of it was in his mouth to spit out, and he sputtered, managing to set the pot down before he choked. He slapped his hands over his mouth, somehow swallowing, and looking a little green for it. He stood there a moment, almost wibbling, before running off screen to the tune of some rather foul sounding retches, before the NV finally times out.]

c: caster, c: franziska von karma, c: dick grayson, c: raven, !: asch the bloody

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