
Oct 19, 2011 22:43

So much pain, anger... sadness. [The young boy with pointed ears is on the network again, with an observation of the Darkness. It has been affecting him since his arrival due to his innate telepathic sense, negative fingers of emotion stretching toward his mind that have only grown harder to block out as time passes. He knows he must find something to focus on in order to overcome the nightly surges, though he has yet to find that anchor. The nightmares haven't been a problem for this boy because he hasn't been sleeping to begin with. While Vulcans can go far longer than humans without sleep, he is nearly at his limit. Spock's voice is soft and detached, his expression both distant and wearied. He is not addressing anyone specifically, and is more speaking from his jaded mind than looking for answers.]

The cries of the dark are ceaseless. To whom do they cry?

c: godric, c: james t. kirk, c: the joker, c: jack kelly, c: pino, !: spock, c: angel, c: magneto, c: emma frost, c: vivi nefertari, c: the tardis, c: clark kent, c: raven, c: crowley

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