Fifth Blossom [Video]

Oct 12, 2011 01:05

[The feed is from the inside of Marluxia's room, on his bed. Right in the center of it, a young cat has taken residence. Not yet grown, but not a kitten either. A black-and-white Tuxedo cat, she looks up at the camera, then flops onto the sheets, having clearly decided this is its new home ( Read more... )

c: chane laforet, c: caster, !: marluxia

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text; stoicloyalty October 13 2011, 01:18:42 UTC
[ ... She hasn't seen a cat sit still, so close (especially close to the camera) for a long time. As such Chane is finding herself wanting to enlarge the screen somehow, to see more of this well-behaved kitty. ]

Does she have a name?


Re: text; petalsofdeath October 13 2011, 02:30:23 UTC
No, not yet.

I am not very good with naming things.


text; stoicloyalty October 13 2011, 17:13:11 UTC
No presupposed name on a collar, then.

[ ... ]

May I see more of her?


[video] petalsofdeath October 13 2011, 19:30:55 UTC
[Marluxia runs the feed around the cat, nudging her with his other hand to get every angle. Thinking this as play, she batted his hand back, finally leaping up to pounce on it like a mouse.]


text & video; stoicloyalty October 13 2011, 22:57:23 UTC
[ Chane clicks on video as well as though to return the favour, or perhaps just to interact with the cat somewhat. It's cute. She seems hesitant but eager, and starts a little when the cat pounces, just watching. ]


video petalsofdeath October 13 2011, 23:13:34 UTC
[Marluxia's hand must be delicious, from the way the cat is going to town on it, chewing and batting at it, then flinching away when he moves, only to pounce on it anew.]


text & video; stoicloyalty October 13 2011, 23:15:51 UTC
[ She's wincing somewhat (that... does look painful, although the cat hasn't drawn any blood), yet can't look away. It's fascinating, that energy. After a moment she dips her head a little to write another text response. ]

Doesn't that hurt?


[Video] petalsofdeath October 13 2011, 23:19:52 UTC
[Marluxia talks from off-screen while the cat frolics]

A little, but the glove protects me from the worst of it.


text & video; stoicloyalty October 13 2011, 23:28:07 UTC
[ Her eyes flicker up for a second as though able to see him, before settling back on the cat.

... With only the slightest shred of hope that it might work, she makes a quiet clicking sound with her tongue at the cat, waving a black-gloved finger in front of her NV's camera to attract attention. It's something she saw Nice do back at home-- but she's not confident in her ability to replicate it. ]


petalsofdeath October 13 2011, 23:56:06 UTC
[The cat stops, pupils dilating at the new sound. She watches the finger moving back and forth, not pouncing on it, as the screen was too small to make the movement seem great enough for her attention, but she was still quite entertained by it.]


stoicloyalty October 14 2011, 09:12:04 UTC
[ It's unexpected, then surprisingly amusing the way the cat's following her motions like that. Chane almost smiles, pulling her hand back to continue writing. ]

Are you thinking of keeping her?


petalsofdeath October 14 2011, 16:40:25 UTC
Yes, I think I shall keep her. She seems rather taken with me.


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