Round 7 ♔♥ Video ♔♥ backdated to the afternoon of October 3rd

Oct 05, 2011 22:57

[Domon was, once again, somewhere in Sector 7. Although the rain has stopped for now he's soaked to the bone. He's clearly been outside for a while regardless of the weather. Or maybe he's been outside because of it, seeing as he picked the first time it hadn't been raining in the past few hours to pull out his NV.]

This place is like some kind of cruel joke.

I used to think of the Core as nothing more than a broken machine. It couldn't couldn't be evil. If it was, why would it bring my brother back? But now I"m not so sure. It's like it brought us here just so my family could be torn apart all over again. And for it to happen now...

[He looks away from the camera, seeming to stare at something in the distance. He was silent for a few minutes, like he had forgotten he had turned on his NV. But then he suddenly looks back at the device and addresses the network again.]

Today's the birthday of someone very important to me, but she's not in the Port. So what am I supposed to do? Am I supposed to pretend it's just another day, or...?

...I...never mind.

[And abruptly, the feed ends.]

!: domon kasshu, c: caster, c: garr

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