
Sep 30, 2011 01:02

[ The NV screen flickers on showing William T. Spears' face silhouetted against the relatively empty living room of his and Grell's new flat. There are a few decorative furnishings on the walls (thanks Phibrizzo and Raphael!), but it is obvious the pair still needs to do a bit of shopping to really make it a home.

Which, perhaps, would have gotten done by now, if a certain redheaded reaper wasn't grounded for the past week.

Yes. Grounded.

After what Grell had pulled with conveniently relocating their housewarming party to Ishida and Keigo's flat, and conveniently failing to tell William about it, William decided Grell should learn to appreciate their new house, by being locked in it until William felt he'd learned his lesson.

The video seems to jostle about slightly, as William walks from the living room, down the hall to their bedroom. One would hope ten days would be enough to learn such a lesson. Though, with Grell, nothing ever goes as predicted. ]

I would like to give everyone fair warning. I will be letting Grell Sutcliff off punishment today.

[ The sound of a door knob turning and a door opening is heard. William addresses Grell, off screen. ]

Alright. I believe that is enough.

!: william t. spears, c: artemis, c: grell sutcliff, c: keigo asano, c: raphael, c: frau

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