3 - voice.

Sep 27, 2011 19:23

[The voice in this transmission only appears unshaken. There is a harshness to his diction that suggests this young man is deeply concerned.]

My sister, Clover, has not returned home from class at Siren's Port university today. She left her NV at the dormitory so it wouldn't distract her from lectures [something he regrets nagging her to do, even if she texted him in the middle of class] and I have been unable to contact her. We meet for dinner at 6PM every night and it is not like her to be this late.

Clover is an energetic young girl with dyed pink hair and green eyes. She is eighteen years old but many think her younger.

I am unable to locate her, even via our usual telepathic link - what images I receive are muddled, almost like television static, and I do not know where she is. I have already called campus security, but they appear somewhat unconcerned at the plight of a newcomer girl since they disappear so often.

If anyone has seen my sister, or if she is with one of her employers, please tell me.

[OOC: Clover is missing because she's tripping out, man. Attempts to locate her may end up with you pulled into her hallucinations!]

c: sabriel, !: snake (999), c: simon tam, c: damian wayne, c: daedalus yumeno

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