I've noticed that individuals within the city dislike traversing across the city at night. I can hardly blame them -- the majority of people within this city don't have the necessary amount of power and finesse to navigate the city after sirens. But I do
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But thank you for the concern.
[His real fury is the person who drugged him.]
Personally, I'm still confused. You were pretty intent on keeping me from doing something stupid before. Most demons are more strategic than to attack for no reason, and you've been almost stand-out. Anything that can mind-control a demon is more dangerous to me than someone who tries to keep peace when lucid.
Or perhaps I just really wanted you dead.
This conversation can wait until I stop feeling the urge to finish the task.
Fine. I don't want to get into another fight or some vendetta, I just want to know what happened to you and make sure it never happens again. That's probably something we can all agree on.
[She should probably apologize for stabbing him or something, but. Whatever. Demon.]
The only thing that I am going to agree on is that you attempt it again and I will cut your throat.
[Deal or no deal.]
If you don't go crazy on me again, I won't have to.
[He's spitting furious and cornered and Lucifer wants to see him and fuck his fucking life.]
If you're going to insult me at least get it right. I was never a soccer mom- your kind made sure of that.
[Feed. fucking. off. Fuck you and your goddamn popsicle stand, you red-eyed meat-wearing jerkoff.]
And who's fault was that?
[And now the feed is off.]
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