Log 01 | Voice (backdated to afternoon)

Sep 19, 2011 20:55

Kirk to Enterprise, or more specifically, Kirk to Mister Scott. Mind telling me what the hell went wrong? I thought-- [Here Kirk’s voice becomes a bit muted, as though he’s turned away from his communicator. The greeters are attempting to get his attention, but the Starfleet captain is having none of that.] Hey, listen, sorry about the disturbance ( Read more... )

c: bruce wayne | batman, c: emma frost, c: zoey redbird, c: the eleventh doctor, c: lois lane, c: the tardis, c: amy pond, c: clark kent, c: arthur pendragon, c: jack kelly, c: nina fortner, c: deadpool, !: james t. kirk, c: jubilee, c: sam oliver, c: vivi nefertari, c: john watson, c: luxord

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video; remembered September 20 2011, 04:07:01 UTC
[ Definitely pinged by alien planet and a few other amusing choice of words. And she's going to be blunt about this: ]

Sorry, but are you trying to talk to somebody on a spaceship?

[ There's more curiosity in her voice than anything; it'll be nice to talk space travel without looking like a nutter. ]


video; endowedcaptain September 20 2011, 04:35:15 UTC
Several somebodies, actually. Doesn't seem like I'm gonna be getting an answer any time soon, though. [He doesn't seem too worried about that just yet, though.]


video; remembered September 20 2011, 05:08:29 UTC
Unfortunately not. You could say I'm missing my own spaceship. [ a beat. errr, long story. ] Kind of.

But you're probably from the future, am I right? I haven't heard about the Enterprise before.


video; endowedcaptain September 21 2011, 01:45:03 UTC
Heyyy, another space explorer, are you? Was starting to think I was the only one. [Kirk's beaming at that information.] The U.S.S. Enterprise is the Federation's finest. She was completed in twenty-two fifty-eight, which is when I'm from. Now.. do I get to ask when you're from? [There's a playful twinkle in his eyes.]


video; remembered September 21 2011, 05:42:01 UTC
Time traveller, but that works, too. [ Amy smiles back, slightly impressed. Even if she's been further in time before. ] Nice one, I'll keep that in mind. I'm from twenty eleven though, a bit in the past for you.


video; endowedcaptain September 21 2011, 20:44:42 UTC
Time-- [Kirk blinks, eyebrows raised.] Sorry, did you just say time traveler from twenty-eleven?


video; remembered September 22 2011, 02:30:53 UTC
[ that expression earns another amused smile. ] Asks the spaceman from twenty-two fifty-eight. What, time travel hasn't been discovered yet?


video; endowedcaptain September 22 2011, 16:55:25 UTC
Not even close. The only instance of it I've dealt with wasn't exactly planned science, if you get my drift. More like some unlucky sons-of-bitches in twenty-three eighty-seven got sucked into a black hole and ended up back in twenty-two thirty-three. So! [Kirk grins, leaning closer to the NV positioned on his table.] Tell me about it.


video; remembered September 25 2011, 21:56:49 UTC
Seriously? I haven't run into any black holes yet. Err, knock on wood and all that. [ her eyes roll away for a moment, but then she's right back to grinning. ] Yeah? Well, names first. Kirk, was it? I'm Amy Pond.


video; endowedcaptain September 26 2011, 19:07:13 UTC
Jim Kirk, very pleased to meet your acquaintance.

[Go, charming smile, go!]

This is normally where I'd ask you out to dinner so that you can explain the complexities of time-travel over a meal, but I'm lacking in the funds for that at the moment. But I'll tell you what, I'm willing to make a sacrifice. I'll put my curious mind on hold for now, and I'll take you out in a week or so for a nice dinner and discussion. Deal?


video; remembered September 30 2011, 17:06:17 UTC
[ Oho. Such confidence. She has to give him credit for it. ]

Oh, is it? Well, if you're so sure of yourself, then I suppose I can wait a bit.


video; endowedcaptain October 3 2011, 01:58:57 UTC
[Confidence? He has that in abundance. Especially when it comes to wooing.]

Soo~ It'll be a date, then?


video; remembered October 3 2011, 03:19:56 UTC
[ It certainly helps, but it might take a bit more than that to snag Amy Pond though! ]

I'm kind of attached, but let's just keep it simple for now and call it "dinner and discussion" like you said. Yeah?


not here; stillhaslegs October 3 2011, 03:31:30 UTC
[ But Pond, this is really risky business. Do you know what they do on dates? They text. And if they're really series, they'll make you eat scones. ]


not here; remembered October 3 2011, 04:22:05 UTC
[ O O P S ]


not here; stillhaslegs October 3 2011, 04:33:52 UTC


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