news feed; thursday, april 8, 2010

Apr 08, 2010 21:50

Thursday; April 8, 2010


The weather for today will be windy . High of 11°C and a low of 10°C (53°F/50°F).

Eviction Notices


Vandals Caught

After the big breaking news of Club 24 being vandalized, it seems that a local AGI affiliated Adult Store also was struck by the vandals. The article implies that the owner of the shop managed to take down the thugs who have been on a up streak of vandalism on Newcomers and that their rain of terror is at an end. Local law enforcement managed to round up a few of the thugs found in the Icha Icha Paradise incident, now listing them as the obvious vandals from previous incidents.

The article speaks about the short attacks on the Newcomers, the Tower Apartments, a possible connection to a young girl who was stabbed by the same vandals, and both AGI affiliated businesses. Law officials were quoted in the report saying that this string of terror should be at an end.

The reporter however doesn’t seem so sure of this, and reports that the law officials look to be putting too much credit on the low level thugs that they took into custody. There is deep implications through the reporters words that they feel it’s almost laughable to think this group of thugs could be the same person or people to have murdered several newcomers in the last month.

There are three pictures of mug shots from three of the ring leaders listed below the article. All three as well as others from their group, have been arrested. The names of Andre Garcia, Michael Baptista, and Jonathan Stint were listed along with a short record list for prior theft, mutilation, property damage, arson, and disturbance of the peace, just to name a few. It notes these thugs are in jail at the moment.

Classified Ads

Old Dog Needs Home: 27 year old dog needs good home. Strange creature. Mother had the same dog for 27 years and it’s still in good shape. Blond Lab. Signs of aging in his face but still spry with no health problems. Mother passed on and I’m allergic to dogs. Must find a loving home for him. Anyone please. Proof of home and financial security would be nice.

Flannigan’s Imports: Looking for knowledgeable workers of Canadian and American trade goods. World wide experience would be desirable. Looking for negotiators for Black market as well as able bodied workers who are willing to go the extra mile to bring the store such needed ‘legal’ items. Store found in Sector Three, near the 1, 2, 3 junction.

*news feed

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