[The feed clicks on and we can see an image of a man's face. His bright eyes are wide with something like curiosity, and he's kind of grinning as he turns the device in his hands with a low whistle.]
Man, this is way fancier than any equipment I ever got at work. It's the swankiest walkie-talkie I've ever seen! [He gives an amused laugh, then
Read more... )
[He listens quietly, frowning a bit, eyes narrow. Not good.] I would like to state for the record that not all Nobodies are manipulative self-indulgent mavericks on a personal crusade to destroy the world. [A beat of silence for effect.] Some of us are manipulative self-indulgent mavericks who would prefer to just hang out and eat ice cream with friends. Unfortunately Xemnas is not one of those Nobodies, thus I do see the dilemma here.
What can you tell me about the company? I'm still working on testing the waters to see how ah... wanted I may be, but if I can wheedle my way back into the chief's good graces perhaps I can get back up to my old tricks again. You know, for a good cause this time. Never hurts to try new things, am I right?
[And then he kind of makes a face. Back from the dead... yeah, he got that much. But the rest of that sounds kinda screwy.
[He turns one palm skyward.] So he's a Heartless... [And the other palm.] but he's got a body. [He shakes his head, then.] Great, sounds like a real walk in the park. I call foul--why's he get his body back? Would'a been nice if the Core'd decided to give me my heart back along with my life, but I guess beggars can't be choosers.
[While morbid, it certainly let them know which Nobodies were dead. And Axel's was apparent.]
Honestly, I'm not sure if I lump you in with the "Organization" any longer. But hey, I'll keep that in mind. I know you're not going to do something crazy just to get what you want... [Haha, yeah, that was another jab.] Oh, right.
It's called Xino E. Mao. Xigbar's in charge of recruitment and PR. He'll be on top of you and sure to figure out what you're up to if you try to sneak in.
[Riku sighs, nodding.]
It's his Heartless body, but...he still discarded it before, you remember. So yeah, I have no idea why he gets more than you guys do. It'd make our jobs easier, you know, if you guys just got hearts and were done with it.
Well, to be honest, I dunno if I lump me in the the Organization any longer either, but somebody's gotta keep an eye on those bastards. Or in this case, maybe 'Nobody' does. Figure I've got a better shot at pulling it off than most.
On that note, I find that often hiding in plain sight suits me just fine--no sense in presenting myself any differently this time around. I don't doubt they'll let me back in the door--the trick is lulling them into a false sense of security. [It's worked twice already, after all.] Can you tell me anything about AGI in general? There's some information in this little gadget, but you're always a guy in the know, if memory serves.
[And he gives an exaggerated sigh, splaying a hand over his 'heart'.] No reprieve for the wicked, I suppose. [And he gives Riku a knowing grin.] I imagine you hero types might get bored, though, if there were no villains to try and thwart.
Heh. Well, good luck with that. They've got a hand in every pocket and there are always places where even you can't go.
[Like SERO. If Zexion or Vexen ever return, they're going to go right back to SERO. And with Ansem there too, Riku's got that side of the trouble covered.]
Also true. [He shrugs.] AGI's part of the entertainment industry. They control it. The family that owns it is very...mafioso, if you know what that means. Suits, guns, powers, loyalty. They also deal in slavery and sex trafficking. The Organization isn't involved in that. They offer protective services for people out in the Darkness. You've read about that, though, right?
[He faintly smiles.]
[And then he looks a bit surprised.]
So wait, I heard they were offering something of the sort, but they're actually following through? Providing protection? How mafioso indeed... something tells me there's some fine print here that hasn't been scrutinized, though. Or did they just make people an offer they couldn't refuse? [A hand on his chin, he drums the fingers of his other hand along the back of his NV.] Seems I'm gonna have to see what I can wheedle out of old Xigbar. He's a tough nut to crack, but I'm sure I can work something out with him.
[He laughs softly.]
Yeah, exactly. Here's the thing... Xino E. Mao came out of nowhere. They're helpful. And the rest of us? We're just kids, Axel. If they help enough people, then people will start to trust whatever they say. Why listen to a bunch of kids when the Organization is so helpful? I'm sure that's part of the plan at work here.
Alas all I can offer is myself, but depending on what exactly you're selling I'm willing to stand in until you can find a responsible adult.
Well, everyone but me. I'm practically taking care of all the kids myself. Two jobs, managing a theater and being in charge of security at a rich club? But I'm not the one who will make a big deal on the network.
[No, Riku bides his time and takes care of things his way. The others are the vocal ones.]
I wouldn't say no to another adult around here, though.
[A low whistle.] Remind me to sign you up for Overachievers Anonymous, yeesh. How many kids are you babysitting anyway? [He counts on his fingers... Let's see, who's here that he's seen?] Roxas, Sora, Naminé, Xion, Junior... [He glances up with a grin.] Gosh, with you and me that'd be a whole frisbee team.
[His expression sobers a bit.]
Speaking of jobs, anyway, I don't suppose you could point me in the direction of a good 'day job' cover? [He's gonna need something to take away from the fact that he's playing both sides of the field. Of course he knows that anyone in the Organization will be expecting that Chronic Backstabbing Disorder to flare up at any moment, but he knows better than to move impetuously. Logically they know that as well. It'll be easier to keep things on a down-low, however, if he's got some sort of respectable gainful employment to hide behind, even if it's only a few hours a week. No one else will need to know what his time card says, after all.]
[It's his way of saying "Don't worry, you're not the first."]
I can give you a job, but then people might get suspicious.
[But he has other connections.] You can work for me as a runner. Your name won't be on anything so the Organization can't track it back to you. Just get me the things I need for work, you'll get paid, and you can do your scouting for them.
[Axel looks surprised for a moment then. He hadn't even been asking for Riku specifically to hire him, he'd just been looking for suggestions, since he was still brand new to the city and all.]
Why Riku, that's decidedly generous of you! I wasn't tryin' to put you on the spot, for the record. [He looks thoughtful for a moment. A runner position would give him a completely logical reason to be potentially running all over creation--it would serve as a much more viable cover for his purposes than any desk or register job could. More over he did already volunteer to help Riku keep an eye on the kids--somebody's got to, right? Even if it's... Nobody. He gives Riku a small nod.]
Sounds like it'd be beneficial for all parties involved. [An almost sincere smile then.] More than that I kinda owe you anyway, so... consider it done. [He snorts a laugh.] I'd offer to give you references, but I don't think my previous employers have anything nice to say on the subject of my personal work ethic. [That is, friends always come before work, no exceptions. But you of all people appreciate that kind of thing, he knows.]
[Not that Axel would forget.
Riku shrugs at the idea that Axel owes him. He's not one to hold onto something like that.] You helped Sora. I think I owe you by now, but we'll see.
[He smirks.]
I'm aware. Trust me.
Other place? [Riku, why does he get the impression you're hiding something?
[And then he blows a quiet raspberry sound.]
Well, we can just call it squaresies if you want. [... Dammit, Demyx, why did you have to get him saying that? He grins a bit.] Either way, I think I'll take you up on the offer.
Other place. Two jobs. [The third is a precaution.] It's a rich club. Three hundred dollars a plate, can you believe that?
[He chuckles quietly.]
Squarsies? [Where the heck did he pick that up?] And you have my number, in case you need anything.
I have a spare apartment if you need it for a while, too.
[A soft chuckle then--he's a little surprised by Riku's generosity, to be honest. Not that he really thinks ill of the kid at all, he just wasn't really expecting him to be so helpful.]
Demyx offered me some crash space already, actually, which I may just take him up on. Havin' a roommate means less rent, which means less work, and I'm all about not working as much as possible. But I do appreciate the offer.
Likewise, holler when you need me to report for duty, as it were, and I'll let you know if anything interesting crops up with my efforts at Xino Mao. [Have a quick salute.] My usual sarcasm aside, I mean it when I say thanks for the info. Always nice to know who you can count on, right? Don't be a stranger, Riku.
[Trust him, he tried.]
Smart. Looks better, too, to not be living alone and being suspicious.
[Is he offering Riku help? He's not sure how to take it, honestly. Even with friends here, he's always done his own thing, tried to be the responsible one. But Axel can help him and can give him information he can't readily access. It's a good deal.
He nods.]
I'll keep it in mind, thanks. Just be careful. Roxas will freak out if something happens to you.
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