[ For the first few seconds of the feed, a middle-aged guy is staring hard into the camera, looking perplexed. Probably a common sight on the network whenever a newcomer appears, but this guy is wearing a green-and-white eyemask along with a smart-casual shirt and tie, like he started to dress up as a comic book hero but got lazy after that. He can
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... never mind, don't answer that right now. Are you okay? Sounded like somethin' spooked ya there.
Huhhh? I'll have you know I'm the real-- oh, oh. Yeah! Uh. [ Backing off, mussing his hair. It already looks mussed like he did that to calm himself down and failed. ]
Some hell of a bug just appeared out there, at least I think it was a bug... Gave me a fright like nothin' else. [ Cautious glance out the window. ] ... Those aren't normal around here, right?
Good. No one should have to deal with that crap for to long on their first night. And yeah, Tower Apartments ain't too bad. I haven't been there in months, but it was a nice place for a first apartment in a whole new world.
Anyway, you're right, it could totally be worse. But uh, you're probably not gonna get any reception on your phone. At least not right now. I've heard some people have been takin' their electronics to some place in the Underground Mall and getting them fitted with things to make 'em usable here.
--Really? That sounds like something I oughtta check out. But my PDA, this thing I'm using to make calls right now-- I can't call anybody other than whoever's on the network, and my phone's the same. What d'you think's up with that? [ And now you've proved to be a better technician than he is, he fully intends to press you for answers ]
Oh, yeah, that. This place did the same to me. See? [he vanishes from sight long enough for him to move to a room that's got a mirror, holding his own PDA-NV up so it can be seen.]
Everyone's got something like that here. Not sure how it's done or how some one can just... give you something without your knowledge, but once you arrive here, you get an NV. Might look like something you owned before, might not.
So this isn't the same thing I had in Sternbild... Crazy how they got the functions exactly the same, though. [ Glances back up ] You're pretty clued up, ah... Have you stayed here long?
[pauses, turning the NV back while counting off on his fingers]
Since February. So, like, eight months.
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