[Video] Backdated- Earlier Thursday, immediately following the Football Win]

Sep 09, 2011 02:00

Did everybody see it? I hope you didn't miss out-   [Joe Fieldman (once known as Riku's Replica) is sporting an enormous set of headphones, and after a few moments of the NV's camera angle fumbling, it is apparent that he's seated at an enormous soundboard console in Grant Stadium's announcers box. It's a great view of the field and stadium beyond the glass, and multicolored confetti is still falling outside.]

That was a close win! Play of a lifetime! Just 5 seconds left!  [The fanfare has just started to die down, fans leaving their seats, filing out of the stadium. The scoreboard, directly across the field, is flashing the Lumberjacks Logo in bright LEDs. Joe's voice is smug.]

So you wanna see something else really cool?    ['Can I?' He asks hopefully to someone unseen, but a voice recognizable as the Stadium sports caster laughs, and turns over the microphone. 'It's all yours, kid!'. Joe flips a switch eagerly, and his voice is soon booming over the main speakers.

...and nearly half a stadium thunders in responce with a (mostly) unison chant, making a swinging motion with their arms.
Then they return to their rowdy exit, or loiter around in the lower stands in hopes of getting player autographs. Joe turns his NV back around, and grins at the camera as he leans back casually, feeling like a king of the overhead PA system.]

...but I think 'The Lumberjack Swing' would've been a better cheer for a baseball team, don't you? Oh well! Too late for that, I guess!

Next week, we get to see 'em take down SERO's un-cyborged Seahawks! Tickets go on sale tomorrow, they're saying  they'll sell out even faster than this game.

And hey, check this out too- [he gives a wave of a logo-stamped plaid rally towel.] Our concessions manager talked to Mr. Herms at halftime, and he gave us all on crew a bunch of opening game freebies.

Tifa? Nami? I hope it's okay, I told one of the waterboys to tell the Portside team that if they won, drinks were on the house at Sector Zero. So if we get any of the Port's latest-greatest football stars tonight...we'll give 'em the V.I.P. treatment-  So...That's cool by you, right?

c: xion, c: tim drake, c: nami, c: rochelle, c: tyrell, c: daedalus yumeno, c: namine, c: blaine anderson, c: elaine belloc, !: replica riku

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