[video] forward-dated: the morning after his arrival

Sep 07, 2011 18:27

[The message reveals a bulky man with brown skin, serious hawklike features and two great red horns curving back from his head. His voice is very deep, and his eyes are very old.]

I should not be here. ['Or breathing,' he does not say.] I'm sure you've heard that many times before, so I won't waste your time or mine with it. What matters is- [his stony expression softens for an instant, maybe you just imagined it] -no. What interests me is probably not unusual either, but for the sake of knowledge I will waste a little time.

From the moment of my arrival I have found myself surrounded by people and their papers telling me about this city. It is no real surprise that not all of them tell the same story. This faction, that faction, none. Enough. [His heavy leather-skinned wings lift suddenly from his shoulders at enough, as if to physically sweep the propaganda aside like so much litter in the streets.]

Don't tell me the truth. Tell me your truth, and we will see what I think.

!: garr, c: khisanth, c: tyrell

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