[Accidental Video]

Apr 07, 2010 21:58

[ The NV goes on to the sound of something crashing, capturing the world in a tumbling fall as it whirls before clattering onto the ground. From its vantage point, it catches a flash of running feet, and in the distance are a group of men struggling with a blonde woman many on the NV network would recognize as Kei. She's grabbed from behind when she reaches for her gun, which goes off and explodes a display case in the distance as the men swarm in on her -- three of them upon her, the other two pushing over display cases and screaming things like, "NEWCOMERS, GET THE FUCK OUT!" and "GO BACK HOME!"

The gun drops to the ground as Kei struggles, and Kakashi's flashed into the midst. It's over before it's even really begun -- from the NV, all that can be seen is a blur of green and blue and silver as Kakashi efficiently and methodically takes each one of them out with precise strikes that these thugs could barely predict, let alone prevent from landing. ]

[ The last one drops to the ground without much of a struggle, and Kakashi turns to look towards Kei, the NV catching them from the side. He looks at her for a long moment, and then reaches out tentatively with a hand, to give her shoulder a slight squeeze. ]

Are you okay?

[she stares down at the nearest fallen foe, starting a bit at the touch and looking up at Kakashi. more staring, unblinking, before she actually realizes oh--there was a question there.]

Ah--yes. I am. [beat.] ...Thank you.

[ He sighs, letting his hand drop from her shoulder, looking down at the thugs knocked out on the floor of his shop. This is quite a mess, and Kakashi's not too sure how to go about with this. Maybe he should've used genjutsu instead, but he had no guarantee genjutsu would've even worked on these guys. ]

We should probably call the cops.

[ Yes, that is the logical thing to do. ]

Perhaps...[she sounds far away, slowly pushing herself into motion, stepping over a body and turning to look at it from a different angle, looking for breathing. she crouches, carefully turning him on his back--a less awkward position to be unconscious for one, but she's more interested in looking for any indication of a gang or affiliation.]

They'll be fine. I only put them to sleep for a little while.

[ He says when he notices her check for vitals, glancing towards the broken storefront, at all the glass and smashed displays, before looking back towards her again. ]

Quite a surprise, Kakashi. [her exhale is almost a laugh, turning the fallen man's coat collar back the way it was. she reaches over to pick up her fallen gun, holstering it as she rises.] I hadn't realized my supervisor was a warrior.

--Neither did they, though. [there's the laugh.]

[ Kakashi shrugs slightly, his eye crinkling up with a smile. This is not something he particularly wanted her to know, having kept his identity under lock and key for the past four months. ]

Mm, well, I had a class or two in self-defense. It's a dangerous world out there~

[ He drawls a bit as he nods his head towards the group of thugs lying on the floor. ]

[she has a faint smirk on her face at that, but she presses no further, simply adjusting her belt and sighing until she glances aside.] Ah-- [moving over, her foot filling the view of the screen as she steps over and picks up the fallen NV.] Looks like you dropped this.

[ The screen goes off as soon as she wraps her hand around the NV. ]

†: uchika sasuke, †: abel, †: koumyou sanzo, †: kei yuki, *action log

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