001 ☞ voice

Sep 04, 2011 19:02

[ The NV is turned on, with several moments of silence speckled with quiet 'hmm's of hesitation. ]

Good afternoon. [ Well, off to a good start. She sounds composed, for now, perfectly eloquent. ] My name is Mia Fey, and I think I might be just the slightest bit lost.

[ One way of putting it, anyway. ]

I've already been given what I think is the simplest explanation of this place, but I feel like I might be able to get a better grasp on the situation from someone who has been here for a while. Any information you can share is very appreciated.

I'm not in much of a hurry to leave, but I'd like to get myself oriented as quickly as possible. Thank you for your time.

[ There's the same sort of silence that opened the feed that follows, showing she hasn't quite hung up. When she speaks again her voice is softer than before, only slightly betraying the confidence from before. ]

And if there is anyone here with, how do I put this, with- [ She stops abruptly, rethinks her wording before continuing to speak. ] If there is anyone here who was dead prior to their arrival here, I'd love to speak with you.

[ There's some quiet laughter with her following question. ]

Maybe over lunch?

c: godot, c: nina fortner, c: maya fey, c: raul creed, !: mia fey, c: rochelle, c: jake marshall, c: larry butz, c: snow white, c: franziska von karma

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