Aug 15, 2011 17:02
[The video shows Himawari’s hand drawing back from the NV after turning it on, seated at the Tower Apartment Office in the main Lobby. She is not smiling as normal. She hasn’t really been chipper or smiling for weeks now. The necklace cord sits around her neck still, her hand giving it a small tug before she speaks.]
Hello and good evening everyone. For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Himawari and I work as a Greeter at the Tower Apartments.
[she sits the papers in her other hand down, laying both her hands on it, looking steadily at the video]
As you might know the locals around here also work as Greeters. They give important information to those of us who show up here unexpected and lost. Many of these locals come out in shifts to sit and wait, sometimes being attacked, yelled at, or ran away from. They have become disenchanted with the job and just don’t preform it as well as they once did. I don’t blame them. We should be taking care of those who come after us. We should be taking a stronger hand in how a new wave of Newcomers are treated.
I implore you, fellow Newcomers, to come to the lobby of Tower Apartments on Friday the 19th at noon and join a workshop to learn more about becoming a Greeter. The pay is fair and for those looking for housing assistance this could be a great chance for you to find solid footing in this city.
We need to take action in our own affairs. Please, if you have any questions feel free to ask. For those of you already Greeters, if you would like to meet with me sometime this week that would be wonderful.
[The feed turns off, ending her message, but she will be replying in video, voice or text to anyone who replies with such.]
[[ooc note: Anyone willing to become a greeter, or even just interested is welcome to join the Workshop. There will be a log going up Friday the 19th for this. PLEASE NOTE: Those interested in joining this log will be apart of a new Event Start! There is a chance your character may become mildly sick or hallucinate for a short period of time. This is optional depending on how things are played. Please keep this in mind! If you would like more info please IM me at ‘TheLastRobotica’ or PM this journal]]
c: oruha,
c: iris,
c: amy pond,
c: emma frost,
c: sephiroth,
!: kunogi himawari