Moonrise 004 - Voice

Aug 09, 2011 04:32

[Saix had been doing much thinking lately. He has no social life to speak of, so he can do that in all of his free time. And, of course, being him, he tends to dwell far too much on the past. It didn't help that he tended to dwell on his past with a certain someone, either. But of course, his thoughts often turned to Axel--to Lea--and the days of his youth when they had been nearly inseparable. It's these thoughts that spur him to turn on his NV and transmit a voice message on this sleepless night--perhaps to remove the burdens of his own thoughts.]

I have a few questions, Siren's Port. They are, perhaps, rather personal. However, they have been weighing on my mind quite a bit lately.

[Saix takes a moment, weighing the thoughts on his mind and the words on his tongue just a bit. This is not something he would normally do, but the thoughts plague him so much that he fears he will not be able to sleep without this.]

How do you classify friendship? How much of yourself do you open to the others in these relationships? And what, precisely, do you do when things between you change to the point where you scarcely recognize the other--or even yourself? Do you simply abandon these bonds, or do you try to mend them? And what is your reaction to someone who hurts you?

[He may not respond right away, because he may be attempting to sleep. Either way, the thoughts and questions are laid bare and, perhaps, he can finally get some rest.]

c: alice (b.rabbit), !: saix, c: emma frost, c: sephiroth

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