[Hitsugaya looks even tinier and grouchier than usual. Seems that England
got to him. He's sitting on his bed, nose upturned and his arms folded importantly. Considering how small and skinny he is, this probably doesn't have the effect that he intends.]
Damn Kuchiki. I know he was just trying to keep me distracted so I wouldn't talk. He has no authority over me; I may be younger, but I'm still a captain. I'll do whatever the hell I want.
[An annoyed huff that temporarily blows that stubborn lock of hair out of his face.]
This is different than what that Ripley woman does, evidently. So whoever's responsible? Fix. It.
[OOC: I tried to resist the temptation of posting this early. I really did. I have failed. Forward-dated to Sunday evening. And bitty Hitsugaya is a brat. I'm not sorry.]