Saturday; August 6th, 2011
Weather A mix of cloud and sun in the morning. Otherwise mostly sunny. High 25 °C and a low of 13°C (77deg;F/55°F)
Current Moon Phase: First Quarter
Morning sirens will go off at 5:56 am, and evening sirens will go off at 8:40 pm.
Newcomer Knocked Up: A 2nd Generation On the Way?
A newcomer female, who has been recognized as Felton Theater actress Jinx, has been confirmed to be carrying the first recorded Newcomer infant from the recent wave of arrivals, which has scarcely relaxed since January 2010. According to unnamed sources at Skye Medical Center, she is in her first trimester and is so far experiencing a healthy pregnancy.
The father of the child remains unknown, but many signs point toward the owner of the Sector 5 club, Purgatory.
In a recent interview of the expecting starlet, she had no comments we are currently able to print. However, after further look at the newly printed schedule for the Felton Theatrical Stage, which includes a long list of cancellations and replacements, we should be expecting the newborn next spring.
[The article is accompanied by a picture of a girl with gray skin and pink hair. One hand is covering her face from the camera and she's throwing up the bird with the other. Her middle finger is blurred out.]
Other News
- AGI's Newest Corporation Throws Fundraiser Bash!
In response to the decaying infrastructure and poor environment of Sectors Nine and Ten, Afterglow, Inc. has made improving this part of the city a priority in recent months. According to the article, the Xino E. Mao Corporation has been a frontrunner in these efforts as its agents have not only patrolled the area but petitioned for improvement. To this end, the corporation will be hosting a fundraiser on August 13th, 2011 at the White Star Hotel. The event will begin at 5:30 PM and continue into the early hours of the morning.
The article goes on to describe the activities and entertainment, as well as the expected formal attire. All proceeds will go towards building up Sectors Nine and Ten, as well as the new recreational facilities to be constructed on the recently condemned housing lots.
- Connections Holistic Wellness Center welcomes newcomers to sample some of our services for mental, physical and spiritual health. Each of our instructors and therapists are skilled and caring empathic professionals, tailoring private sessions to meet your specific needs and healthy goals. Schedule your appointment with a nutritional counselor, or join a community in any of our diverse support groups. Enjoy a free introductory group yoga & mediation class at our Azura Stop location @ 6pm M,W, F. Special herbal treatments & therapeutic massage packages also available, discounted with mention of this ad.
- In honor of Bolivian & Jamaican Independence Day, The Major’s Club will be flying their respective flags tonight, and featuring live traditional Bolivian folk music and reggae on the lawn.
News Notification Thread]