10 - video;

Aug 04, 2011 20:57

[Terra sits on an upraised ledge on his apartment's rooftop, a slice of evening sky behind him. Those who know him might notice he's looking better than he did a month ago: all the color's back in his complexion and the faint bruising under his eyes has faded. All in all, he no longer has that hit and then backed over by a high-speed glider look to him.

His direwolf cruises around in the background, trying to make friends with (or maybe make a meal of) unwilling birds.]

So, I still have a job.

I had to jump through a few hoops to keep it after what happened... not coming into work for a few weeks and all, but things worked out okay. I'm still at Portside.

[He nods, more to himself than the NV, then reaches out to the device to change something.

The rest of the recording is screened away from the Lightside Keybearer Club.]

I wanted to ask something real quick. It came up recently and I've been wondering... What do you do once your purpose is over? Once some goal that's important to you is done or... say you find out a dream of yours you've been working on for a really long time can't ever come true?

What do you do then?

c: livio | razlo, c: claude faustus, c: ventus, c: nina fortner, c: roxas, c: bruce wayne | batman, c: xemnas, c: emma frost, !: terra, c: lois lane, c: xigbar, c: ahiru, c: luxord

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