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[video] whoisjohnsmith August 3 2011, 20:12:31 UTC
What's a modus?


text frogst August 3 2011, 20:53:44 UTC
my modus is how i access my sylladex!!
and my sylladex is my inventory system if you didnt know what that is either hehe


[video] whoisjohnsmith August 5 2011, 02:54:19 UTC
I'm still pretty unclear, but I guess it comes back down to carrying a lot more stuff than you can carry, huh?

Well, that's a pretty useful, if not really spectacular. Or are there cool special effects?


text frogst August 5 2011, 19:52:50 UTC
yes thats right!!! :D
hehe i guess its not really that spectacular since everyone from my world has one
ummm you mean special effects from my sylladex??


text whoisjohnsmith August 7 2011, 18:58:33 UTC
I meant, like, explosions or fiery rings when you take things out.

But what did you mean?


text frogst August 7 2011, 19:33:40 UTC
well its possible to weaponize your sylladex :P
and everyone has different special effects with their sylladex kind of!!!
like when i take things out of mine i play a memory card game usually
but i can change what kind of game i want to play :o


text whoisjohnsmith August 8 2011, 17:07:11 UTC
This sounds really complicated...

Hey, do you know if I can get one of those? Or can you show me yours, at least? I think it might be easier than hearing about it...


text frogst August 8 2011, 17:52:34 UTC
hmmm i dont know if you could get one if you dont already have one...
but i wouldnt mind showing you mine!!!!! :D


[video] whoisjohnsmith August 11 2011, 04:33:02 UTC
Well, how did you get yours? Wait, you can tell me when you show me! How's right now?

[ooc: sorry I'm not usually this slow! AND ALL OF THESE WERE SUPPOSED TO BE VIDEO ;_;]


text frogst August 12 2011, 01:40:47 UTC
uh sure right now is fine! :P
should i meet you somewhere???? :o

[ ooc; haha no worries on both counts! <3 ]


[video] whoisjohnsmith August 12 2011, 16:40:37 UTC
Yeah, wherever you want! Are you in the Tower Apartments?

[ooc: <3]


text frogst August 13 2011, 01:40:27 UTC
yes i am!!!!
is that an ok place to meet?


[video] whoisjohnsmith August 13 2011, 02:06:21 UTC
Yup, I'll be there in a few minutes!


text frogst August 13 2011, 02:07:27 UTC
ok see you soon!!!!!! :)))))))))))))


[action] whoisjohnsmith August 13 2011, 02:08:51 UTC
[And Haruhi will indeed show up at the Tower Apartments in roughly fifteen minutes, dressed in her school uniform, looking around the lobby at first.]


[action] frogst August 13 2011, 02:29:19 UTC
[ Jade waits in the lobby for the girl she spoke with, realizing that she never even got her name. When she spots Haruhi she hops from the couch she's been sitting on, waving cheerily. ]



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