
Jul 31, 2011 22:05

So here's an idea me and Ritsuka came up with, to try and patch things up with these kids whose mothers are crazy newcomer-haters:

If we're allowed to use the NPP building's main meeting room, we were thinking about running something like a camp for kids, or an after school...thing, for the people who are still in school to bring their local friends to. It'd be for some sports and activities, and maybe we'd do a dance or something. We'll prove that we're decent people, and that people who are from other worlds aren't a bunch of weirdo kooks. And we could even teach them things like...uh, fitness? Or how to play piano or something? Stuff they're cutting out of the schools with budget problems? Because the schools in sector four have got to be having some serious munny issues if the schools in sector five are having fundraisers.

[a pause, and then there's a slight scoff]  Not that I really care about school, I'm too old for that anyway, but I'm putting this together so Ritsuka and the other kids won't be bullied around anymore.

So if anyone's got any ideas for where to go with this, let us know, okay?

Also. I know it's supposedly all backed up or whatever for AGI slaves to call bogus on their phoney contracts... but what's the word on Sam Merlotte? How long is that going to take?

...I'm looking for a part-time cover to take my Tuesday and Thursday night shifts at Sector Zero. It's basically just running some Karaoke, which is easy, I can show you how to set up the microphone and the monitor, and then all you have to do is look at the request list, line up the tracks, and announce people. It's real easy. Just about anyone could do it, which is why I'd rather have a few more nights off. If you're interested, we're sticking to our hire-newcomers-first policy. $15 an hour, and the shifts are pretty much all-nighters, which will get longer in the winter.

c: oruha, c: sam merlotte, c: raul creed, c: emma frost, c: rochelle, c: miles edgeworth, c: haruhi fujioka, c: maka albarn, c: jessica hamby, c: jinx, c: ahiru, !: replica riku

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