Video/Action Log --> 002

Jul 31, 2011 04:00

[The feed turns on to the interior of RedFly Designer, known for its designer clothing at discounted prices. Hattie can be seen being catered to by a woman and two men, the gentlemen in question carrying stacks of boxes and following her as she gives a brief close up of each item she comes across, some added to her pile and others discarded. Once ( Read more... )

c: kuchiki byakuya, c: asano rin, c: oruha, c: ella, !: hattie, c: toushirou hitsugaya, c: nelliel tu odelschwanck

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Video icy_heavens July 31 2011, 16:33:03 UTC
[Hello there, another friend of Ella's who ain't happy. And no, he's no "darling young boy." Though save for the scowl, he might look like one.]

Exactly what do you think you're doing, charging her for that? [Okay, he knows you refuse to actually get a job for yourself, but the question still stands.]


Re: Video blondandperfect July 31 2011, 19:22:41 UTC

[She looks surprised. Another young boy with pure white hair!]

Oh! You must be Sir Joe's brother, he's told you about me already has he? Not that I blame him of course, though I expected you to look a bit twinnier.

[She faulters.]

Er.. More twinny? No.. As twin as?


Video icy_heavens July 31 2011, 19:30:32 UTC
... I'm no one's brother, and I don't know anyone by that name. I also asked you a question.


Re: Video blondandperfect July 31 2011, 20:06:34 UTC
You're not? What? .. Oh.

[Hattie appears doubtful, but goes along with it.]

Lighten up, will you? You are -far- too young to be a grumpy old man..

And yes you did beat around the bush, but I'll give you a chance to ask what's -really- on your mind. Go ahead, don't be shy, I won't bite, most boys your age have these feelings~.


Video icy_heavens July 31 2011, 20:19:17 UTC
[There's a small twitch of a vein in his forehead. You'd think he'd be used to people calling him a child, but it still bothers him. And he's quite the perfect age to be a grumpy old man. Not that he is.] I am not a child.

[He gives her an annoyed and faintly disgusted look. Seriously, Hattie? Seriously?] I did ask you what was on my mind. Stop avoiding the question.


Video blondandperfect July 31 2011, 20:43:40 UTC
[She gives a disappointed sigh]

All right all right fine if it will make you happy. And I wasn't avoiding the question, it's just.. Well.. It's far more bland than what questions I'm normally asked, no offense.

[She then looks apologetic]

Very well I'm sorry for assuming you were a child, that was a bit rude, but you'll have to forgive me, I'm still a bit new. Secondly, I didn't have a wardrobe upon coming here, and I don't have much money either.

You seem to know her, so why so hostile? Is Ella not kind to you? Hmn?


Video icy_heavens July 31 2011, 20:55:16 UTC
I don't care what you're usually asked. You don't get to change the subject just because you decided the question is uninteresting. If I ask something, it's for a reason, and I expect answers.

[Your apology means nothing to him. He's not buying that you mean it.]

The idea of getting your own job comes to mind if you need money, rather than forcing her to take on a second one. And don't try that "disability" excuse with me. If you can travel all over town to shop for clothing, you can work.

Ella is plenty kind to me. You're the one I have a problem with.


Video blondandperfect July 31 2011, 21:18:41 UTC
[There's a long moment of silence from Hattie, a blank stare given in return. However afterward she gives a forced smile.]


[I can't believe he said that. What is Ella -doing-?]

O- Oh, yes.. Well, it's complex.. And personal, I don't really like to talk about it. I'm sure you can understand that. I don't like to talk about it.

[Her brow twitches]

But if she were in my position, I'd.. Do the same for her.. We have our faults, but we're all we have left right now. So.. What exactly is your problem with me, good sir?


Video icy_heavens July 31 2011, 21:35:24 UTC
[Ella is doing exactly what you told her to -- and adding the truth in afterward. Though also trying to minimize what's going on, because she knows how he gets. He gets like this.]

[And this look? Tells Hattie that he's not buying this act for a second.] You'll want to work on your lying skills, if you expect people to believe you. I certainly don't. My problem is that you're treating her like crap. [A slight narrowing of the eyes.] And if your conversation with Kuchiki is anything to go by, you're using her as a weapon against those who know her and see fit to criticize you.


Video blondandperfect August 1 2011, 07:17:42 UTC
[There's another moment of silence, processing what just happened. She seems to relax just a tiny bit, and raises her fingers to her lips]

M- My word, you're right.. All this time I've been acting like... Like...

[Her expression hardens]

Like a sibling, you nitwit! I don't need to work on anything, it isn't my problem if you don't believe a word I say.

I don't know what she's told you, but ask her if she's ever done anything to me sometime. Oh, I suppose you wouldn't believe that even if she did say 'yes'. Ella's your perfect little angel. Too bad for me, I suppose.

As for the other gentleman you speak of..

[Hattie smirks]

What would you have me do? Am I not allowed to strike weak spots? Does that make me a devil? I'd really love to know.


Video (The keywords, man. They are scarily close to being completely accurate.) icy_heavens August 1 2011, 07:36:43 UTC
[Honestly, the scowl couldn't get any deeper. And there might be ice crackling around the edges of the screen as he tries to contain the utter fury he's feeling.] I know what siblings act like. And this goes far beyond.

For the record, she's never mentioned you before you'd arrived here. I don't have my head filled with stories of how horrible you are. Until you got here, I never even knew you existed. I have no preconceived notions of you.

[Hattie, it's really not a good idea to make a shinigami captain want to tear your throat out.] Striking at weak points isn't what makes you that way. The fact that you would callously use your own family in such manipulative fashion rather than accept that someone can do something so minor as disapprove of anything you do is what manages that.

That's not familial. That's malicious. Get over yourself.


Video (Mommy! D:) blondandperfect August 1 2011, 08:10:23 UTC
Yes, of course you would, you do have a brother after al- Oh. Oops~.

Naturally, I don't believe what you're saying to be true, you're out to get me and that's that. It isn't very fun being on the opposite end of conspiracy, is it?

If you're so familiar with my conversation with 'Kuchiki', you would know there was nothing 'minor' about his words, expressions, or any other way he carried himself.

[Hattie pauses a moment, and gets a bit flustered]

.. Get.. Over -myself-? I- Do you.. Wh- Are you serious? You're the one playing Shining Knight because you think that Ella cannot deal with her own family issues! How about you get over -yourself-!

Or better yet, how about you two come back when you're less socially inept?


Video icy_heavens August 1 2011, 15:46:04 UTC
[If he were less angry, he'd roll his eyes.]

Kuchiki can be an arrogant ass, and I certainly don't approve of everything he says or does, but all he did initially was ask you a valid question. You're the one who made a production about it.

Because standing up for someone is such a terrible act and whatever you do is completely justifiable. Do you even listen to yourself?

I suppose that "socially apt" in your definition means only saying things that flatter you, or acting as though you're better than others and above reproach for no reason at all? I'll pass.

Everyone in your world might have coddled you and spoiled you. Things don't work that way here. Get used to it.

[This whole time, while Hattie might have taken to shouting to get her point across, his voice has remained, though furious, on an eerily cold, even tone. He's not giving her the satisfaction of getting him to raise his voice.]


Video blondandperfect August 2 2011, 00:28:49 UTC
[Hattie's tone certainly raised, and got particularly sharp on occassion; overall it'd be described as 'unpleasent'. She most certainly noticed his tone hadn't changed- She'd be impressed with how expressive he was if she weren't so aggravated]

Well, I.. That is to say..

[Bing bang zoom! It'd seem she thought she shut him up, and got a nasty surprise in return.]

Y- you can't.. Rrgh.

This isn't getting anywhere, and I'm not going to let you ruin -my- relaxing day that I -deserve-.

Good. day.


Video icy_heavens August 2 2011, 01:00:57 UTC
[And just before Hattie manages to hang up, she might catch an equally cold:] Good riddance.

[This is the first ragequit he's caused. His mun is so proud of him!]


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