Jul 22, 2011 02:36
[OOC: Backdated to the afternoon.]
[He's sitting in a tree today. No particular reason; he just feels like it. And perhaps surprisingly, he has no book with him. He's on a study break. Besides, it's a nice day out. Too nice to spend all of it studying.]
I hope it's nice like this tomorrow. People remember about the marathon and stuff, right? I haven't really seen anybody talking much about it, but then again, there was the whole trial against AGI going on. Which reminds me: Good job, everybody who was working on that. I guess it might take a while for a lot of things to change . . . [A flicker of sadness as he remembers the report of the mass murders. But. Moving on!] But I know you did the right thing.
[Pause. Oops. He'd gone a little off topic.] Anyway, there's still a lot going on this weekend. Not just the marathon, but that Working Bee, too. I'm going to be there for both.
I'm not going to be the only kid at either one, am I? Just because we're young doesn't mean we can't help people. I hope some of the rest of us do something to pitch in, even if it's really small. Little things count, too.
c: elaine belloc,
!: son gohan,
c: nelliel tu odelschwanck