news feed; Thursday, July 21st, 2011

Jul 21, 2011 06:45

Thursday; July 21st, 2011

Weather  Cloudy with a few showers possible, becoming a mix of cloud and sun in the afternoon. Risk of an evening thundershower, with small hail. High 18 °C and a low of 12°C (64deg;F/54°F)

Current Moon Phase: Waning Gibbous

Morning sirens will go off at 5:35 am, and evening sirens will go off at 9:02 pm.

[Arriving Newcomers in the Starter Apartments will be recieving another WELCOME PACKAGE of appeasing goodies from AGI and SERO, along with information about upcoming Corporate Job Fairs. AGI will provide a $20 gift certificate towards any affiliated restaurant or counter-service eatery, and SERO will provide a $20 gift card valid at the nearest three Sector 4 locations of their pharmacy chain,

When Pigs Fly?
It seems like it is a week for defying the naysayers. After SERO stocks soared yesterday, following AGI’s market plummet, their affiliated University has announces a biological breakthrough.

A Hillsdale Biology Professor who also works in genetic research has successfully created a mutant species of miniature pot-bellied pigs with dove’s wings. Along with his summer study program of undergraduates, they engineered the “Impossible Pig Project” as a whimsical inspiration dedicated to the student body, proving that achievements in science can exceed every expectation. Because of their body weight and bone structure, these creatures are still mostly flightless, but can become airborne over very short distances. They do not lay eggs like bird species, and are classified as mammalian.

Although photos and live video of the cute little porkers have been released on the university’s website, the full research report has not yet passed the academic council for publication. Some Hillsdale students have already started a network petition that the “flying pig” be adopted as a college mascot. Some skeptics are claiming these animals merely had dove’s wings surgically grafted on.

One anonymous sanitation worker told the press that Hillsdale Labs had issued a discreet disposal of hundreds of malformed avian and pig fetuses over the past few months, but presumed that they had been used for dissection. “But whadda you know, turns out they were making pigs that could fly! Hah! Never thought I’d see the day.”

Mass Murder Due to Ruling Leaves Remaining Workers Stunned.

As with most major social movements, there is a long way to go after the initial change.

Unfortunately, sometimes there are casualties.

Yesterday, when the news of the ruling hit the news there was mass backlash, but there was also celebration. The problem on Hampton Wilkes Farm in sector seven was that the majority of the agricultural workers, not educated enough to understand the verdict, believed that they were completely and immediately freed of their slave contracts.

When the slaves tried to leave the farm en masse, celebrating the victory, Wilkes took the law into his own hands and, without consulting any of the fifteen other people working on the farm, mass detonated the collars (an implanted chip inserted close to the brainstem, implanted into all slaves as a processing and control device) of every slave contracted to the property, killing all of them.

When the others on the farm figured out what occurred, they put Wilkes under citizens arrest and called the SPPD, but obviously the damage was already done.  Wilkes is facing up to forty different murder charges due to the incident, of varying degrees, considering several of the workers had not tried to leave at all and were simply going about their day. All forty slaves who were connected to that part of the collar system were killed, all men between the ages of twenty four and forty, none of the specialty workers (Kept on a separate system, due to a steep difference in replacement price) were killed.

"He went wild eyed, I've never seen anything like it." Said Ella Green, who was working on the property. Green was one of the office managers who subdued Wilkes, before he was able to detonate the other collars on the property. "It's not the case on every property, but here, that exists as a last resort for personal safety. And this was not the situation it was built for. [Mr. Wilkes] overreacted and cost a lot of people their lives. I don't know how we're going to go on tomorrow, as a business, or as people. This was horrible."

The story hit the news in small trickles last night and seemed to work as a warning for the most part to other slaves, who likely wont be trying to leave unless they're sure, for fear of others doing the same or something similar.

Other News/Ads

-  Led by feared and renowned slave auctioneer Jonathan Riggs, a rally to protest Tuesday’s slavery reform rulings will be held at The Grand Lenore Auction house at noon today. Many AGI offices in Sector 1 will be closing early for the afternoon, allowing businessmen and affiliates to be there. Many high ranking company affiliates, including top members of the deDrago clan themselves, are expected to be in attendance. Security is being tripled for this event, and the SPPD is at high alert to prevent street rioting.

-  Job openings @ Neutral Sector 11 warehouse for a wholesale seafood distributor. Dockworkers, Delivery Drivers, Cutters and Packers. Must be able to work in refrigerated environment and be able to lift up to 75lbs. Apply in person between the hours of 9am-3am, M-F
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