[ the video shows what looks like a young man in his teens sitting near trees while the sun begins to set; but one look at him and you're certain either he's definitely not human, or halloween came early this year. large, candy corn colored goat horns protrude from his head of messy black hair; his ears are pointed, the skin he has visible is gray, and to top off the 'do, clown make up! a lazy, lopsided grin bears his sharp teeth and fangs-- his yellow eyes are half-lidded, easily earning the "i'm half asleep" look, and topped with that dopey looking smile . . . hmm.
when he speaks, his voice is low; the words flow out with awe, lazily, easily, calm-- ]
Whoa, fuck . . . [ a beat, and he stares. though, it doesn't take long for another smile to come to his face. he chuckles and touches the screen with his fingertips, completely fascinated. and now, begins to type. ]
MaN My pAn aIn't tOo gOoD At gEtTiNg iTs mEmOrY KiCkInG AnD ShIt
bUt iF My rEmEmBeRiNg aIn't fRoNtIn i jUsT DoNe wEnT AnD ApPeArIfIeD AlL Up oN A FuCkIn mYsTeRy iSlAnD
bRoThEr WaS tRyInG tO fIlL mE iN aBoUt ThE uHhHhH
bUt hE WaS StRaIgHt uP PiNk aNd hOrNlEsS
aNd sHaKiNg
NoT tHaT tHaT's A bAd ThInG!
I aIn'T bEiN aLl SaLtY, i MeAn If A mOtHeRfUcKeR's GoTtA sHaKe
WeLl, ShIt. ThE fUcK dO i KnOw, I lEt ThAt BrOtHeR sHakE iT uP lIkE a HaRsH bOtTlE oF hOt FaYgO
jUsT aIn'T sEeN sO mAnY, uH . . .
pInK sHaKiN sTaR mOnKeYs RuNnInG aRoUnD
hOnK :o)
[ then, a pause in thought-- before simply chuckling. er. more like honking. it's a rather disturbing sound . . . ]
MoThErFuCkIn mIrAcLeS, mAn
ThIs PlAcE bE fUcKiN wHiPpEd WiTh ThE mIrTh
LiKe aIgHt mY HuSkToP GoT ItS ShRiNk oN WiThOuT Me uP AnD NoTiCiNg!
LiTtLe fUcKeR WaS In fRoNt oF Me oNe mInUtE
ChIlLiN AlL NoRmAl sIzEd aNd sHiT
tHeN ThE NeXt iT AlL Up aNd nInJaS InTo mY PoCkEt
WhO ThE FuCk tOlD It tO Do tHaT, hUh?
It's iNsAnE
[ stop. a content sigh, and he's looking up-- a bird just flew overhead. just look at that wicked noise that chirpbeast is making. ]
Beautiful, man.
[ how much more miraculous could it get? he sits there, staring blankly at the sky with unfocused eyes and the same stupid smile. at first he looks like he's thinking! which he is! er-- was. his focus levels down, and he starts staring at something off screen; his eyes beginning to look a bit glazed, the smile fades and now he's just. yeah, still
staring. one minute turns to five, then six . . .
is this guy okay?
. . . . is he high? ( yes. )
and unless you interrupt him, it might just very well stay this way. ]
( ooc;
text translation, and his
text opt-out post! )