Second dance; video/action for Phancyhive

Jul 13, 2011 21:36

[Hello, network! Lizzie beams at the NV with no small amount of pride, giving a tiny wave to whomever may be watching.]

The mansion was so dark and gloomy before that I decided it could use some cheering up!

[Or rather, a certain someone who shall not be named at this time even though it's kind of obvious who it is could use cheering up ( Read more... )

c: claude faustus, c: ahiru, c: alois trancy, !: elizabeth middleford, c: hannah anafeloz, c: william t. spears

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action. open to video/action for anyone who wants to respond to him for making this possible. stabilimentum July 14 2011, 04:57:31 UTC
[Sorry, Alois Trancy, but Elizabeth promised Claude a lot of gold glitter, streamers, and other shiny things in exchange for his help. It was a necessary sacrifice to cross over and work for the "enemy."

At least the bright pink of this frilly bonnet is a good color on him. He's just standing stiffly in the background somewhere, pushing his glasses up every so often, utterly dazzled by the sparkles.]


action. wow bosomist July 14 2011, 05:32:02 UTC


action. someone should revoke my license to play this character. stabilimentum July 14 2011, 05:42:33 UTC
[Are you going to harsh Claude's vibe, Hannah? Really?

Glitter might just be his ultimate weakness. It was invented sometime in the 1930s or '40s, which is why he hasn't really dealt with it until now.]


[Finally, he opens his mouth to address Hannah:]

Have you ever seen anything more beautiful?



action. speechless. bosomist July 14 2011, 05:49:10 UTC


[Don't look now, but Hannah Anafeloz has just lost her shit and laughing in your face, Claude.]


action. stabilimentum July 14 2011, 06:01:39 UTC
[Hannah's laughter is like a thousand bee stings to Claude. Negligible at first, and then they get more and more annoying and he has to look aside at her through glasses that are smeared with more glitter.

Is this truly that amusing to you, Hannah Anafeloz? I'd have you on the floor and choking down a petticoat in seconds, you know, and there wouldn't be a thing for you to do about it. A gaping fuckhole stuffed with virginal lace.]


[And then Claude's lips twitch, because. Well, because. It does seem silly, even to him. But he's going to keep his straight-faced expression.]

If you're unable to appreciate it, that is through no fault of mine, Hannah.


action. bosomist July 14 2011, 06:12:28 UTC
N-no, it's very--

[Oh, give her a moment to compose herself. She is very much covering her mouth with her hand and trying to swallow laughter down.]

--You look very nice.


action. stabilimentum July 15 2011, 14:34:18 UTC
[Much better. Claude stops glaring at Hannah venomously. Inhaling hard, he smells the chalk from Elizabeth's drawings and then says the first thing to come to mind,]

Once, Alois Trancy told me that I haven't any need for color.

[That might seem random as hell, even though he's wearing brightly colored things, but he sounds very serious (if somber) about it.]

I suppose the meaning was: he has become my color.

[He absently brushes excess glitter off of his shoulder.]

Do you think so?


action. bosomist July 15 2011, 15:09:52 UTC
[She keeps smiling despite his tone. In fact, she goes as far as to reach up and.. idly adjust his bonnet.

That doesn't mean she isn't taking him seriously, however. ]

The world was very black and white before I met Luca Macken. After it, I tried to remember a time where it hadn't been so and I could not.

[Her hand falls back down to her side and she gives a small, brief shrug of her shoulder.]

I think so. But is that not how it's supposed to go?


action. stabilimentum July 23 2011, 11:05:23 UTC
Monochrome, [Claude echoes, submitting to her adjustments.] Yes, that is how it was.

[The bland grey of apathy and ennui has defined his existence for longer than he cares to remember. Nevertheless, there were a few brighter spots now and then--sometimes he'd even discover a little bit of color to savor. Never any double rainbows that went all the way, but the prisms he did chew on made him want to keep searching. He knew more fantastic flavors had to be out there to try; once he found the Ultimate, he would be happy at last.

Finally, along came Alois Trancy-- Jim Macken, the miraculous surprise; the greatest sign. (And Ciel Phantomhive, the supernatural fluke, but he's unfortunately not so engrossing anymore.) That unstable blonde soul still dances like flames without getting burnt. Whether or not he needs more passion, it is the...]

No one else was like Alois Trancy is. [His tone is secretive, almost uneasy. It's difficult to acknowledge how much he fucked up ( ... )


action. /packs up and leaves masterbaiting July 14 2011, 05:55:58 UTC
[Alois Trancy is so disappointed that he cannot even speak. He brushes some glitter from his shoulder.

This is a dark day indeed.]


action. oh baby don't be like that. stabilimentum July 14 2011, 06:08:02 UTC
[Glitter is the greatest substance that humanity has ever created.]

... Your Highness.

[Alois' black mood is enough to make the sparkles not so sparkly.]


action. no i can't take your baggage anymore masterbaiting July 14 2011, 06:12:07 UTC
[Claude had seemed - oddly charmed, or something. Pleased with how it's all been decorated. Happy to have created something with that girl. Rather taken with the glitter and how it's all sparkling.


Bit of a poof today, are we? Running around with little girls and all? Really, Claude?



action. stabilimentum July 14 2011, 06:24:21 UTC
[Claude would be lying if he said Alois' jealousy isn't attractive. In the right state of mind, Claude wants Alois to pine after him like this. It's not annoying in the least, although he never knows if a fatal explosion will result from it. He has done much worse than this to make Alois feel neglected, honestly.

--Is he going to be punished for his insubordination? Please, yes. That'd be ideal.]

Lady Elizabeth asked for my assistance, [he says evenly. His glasses are still smeared with more glitter, so it's difficult to tell where he's looking.] It did not seem that large of an undertaking.

[Together, they spent a few hundred dollars of Ciel's money at the arts and crafts store. (Maybe it's best not to mention that part.)]


action. masterbaiting July 15 2011, 10:35:48 UTC
[Very abruptly, Alois spins on his heel to face away from Claude. His arms are folded and his teeth are worrying his bottom lip.

Elizabeth Middleford was fine when she wasn't... around, ever.

If Claude isn't looking at him

(and he isn't, right? he's looking at all of this frilly sparkling pre-teen girl bullshit that he's done with elizabeth. that's exactly what he's looking at. damn it.)

then he doesn't want to look at Claude, either.]

So glad to know you'd make a fine lady-in-waiting. Claude, did I tell you to assist her?

[Doing things for Alois without orders is fantastic. For Elizabeth? Not so much. She's a little attention whore, he thinks. She's mucking up all sorts of things right now, and Alois feels like he's got to fight to get glances as it is.

His tone with Claude is tight, of course. He tilts his chin to look over his shoulder, almost at Claude but not directly so, and there's an unfortunate smear of glitter on his cheek.]


action. stabilimentum July 15 2011, 11:43:53 UTC
[This is a vicious cycle, isn't it? Jealousy, the green-eyed monster. It's very vicious. Claude watches his master turn away, knowing he won't stray too far, knowing his Manipura chakra must be on fire. When Elizabeth approached Claude for help earlier, he thought about letting her down as gently as he could--stemming tears or tantrums by appointing some other hapless servant to her cause. It's simply not her right to order him about, telling him which ribbons to hang where or how many balloons should be blown up. But looking at her smiling face, at how passionate she was to please Ciel, Claude thought about his Alois always wanting the same for Ciel and--

Claude felt jealous. Very viciously jealous. Demons aren't supposed to covet humans like that--desiring them for more than their immortal souls--but Claude did and does and he's looked for a way to retaliate. The opportunity presented itself like magic, really. (Their Good Day has made him needier for more, it seems.)]


[While his somber voice is the appropriate ( ... )


video; wishgrant July 14 2011, 06:10:58 UTC
[ don't mind luca, he is just going to giggle at you forever claude. ]


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