news feed; Friday, July 8th, 2011

Jul 08, 2011 13:06

Friday; July 8th, 2011

Weather Cloudy in the morning with a chance of showers. Becoming a mix of sun and cloud. 23 °C and a low of 11°C (73deg;F/52°F)

Current Moon Phase: First Quarter

Morning sirens will go off at 5:22 am, and evening sirens will go off at 9:13 pm.

Eviction Notices
The following list of characters will find a note slipped under their door giving a three days' notice of eviction. Today marks the end of your one month of free rent, giving you 3 days to leave the apartments.

Lee Falun
Wade Wilson/Deadpool

Other News

- Cat Population Climbs Again. Reports say that the Slums and all sectors surrounding them are seeing yet another feline population boom. Perhaps it's just that time of year or perhaps they didn't manage to kill the problem off the first time. Either way, trucks are being sent out to take care of the felines once again. This does mean killing cats in the masses. Caregood Pound has already sent out their four vans in attempt to salvage some of the younger more impressionable felines in order to try and fix them for adoption. For those looking to save a feline already fixed and with shots please call the Caregood Pound. Locals will also see SERO vans roaming the streets collecting a few last specimens before the Government puts them all to sleep. The feline population in this area grows swiftly every year, so this isn't new news, even if it is a bit shocking. This extermination process will last the week.

- New Apartments! : LeGrand Apartments is now open! A ten story apartment complex that boasts all of the extras for half the price! Smart Elevators that know where your home is the moment you step on. House hold security for all your doors and windows. Darkness proofing for your place as well as the enclosed night time spa and pool areas. Roof access with enclosed clear night time viewing area. State of the art electronics in every home. Apartments come in One, two and three bedroom sized as well as Studio. Option of one or two bathrooms. Rent is negotiable. Newcomer friendly. Neutral apartment living. (Disclaimer in ad: SERO supported funding and mechanics but renters are considered Neutral unless otherwise stated.)

- Documentary Party: Hector Marks, and up and coming local film maker is having a pre-showing and party for his new Documentary "Sex in the Laboratories" a riveting look into the SERO company and their use of AGI's sex slaves, entertainment and other human values. Marks focuses on four SERO employees and follows them through their daily life... and night life. This highly controversial film has yet to be seen by anyone but Marks, a highly guarded tight kept secret. Anyone is welcome to the Documentary showing, tonight at 9pm in the Underground Mall at the White Star Hotel viewing room and conference hall. Free wine and champagne are provided. Dress well or be rejected at the door.

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