Jul 07, 2011 23:52
[Though Haruhi almost always uses video function, as it's easiest, this time she's elected to just make a voice post. She realizes she doesn't look quite herself right now, and doesn't quite feel it's appropriate to display this lack of enthusiasm publicly.
Her voice, however, reveals it more or less anyway -- low and pensive -- and if it doesn't, her words probably do.]
So low-level office worker Katsuragi-kun told you the story of Orihime and Hikoboshi already... They were the princess and the cowherd, I mean! I was thinking...
Do you think it's possible that Orihime or Hikoboshi could just show up on the baseball field someday? I bet they'd like to be here together...
[She pauses for a long moment.]
Anyway, I made some wishes last year, and now I'm here! My calculations were that it would take them sixteen and twenty-five years to make the wishes come true, but the first one seems to have maybe come true a lot sooner! Obviously, it means messages Orihime can travel faster than light. --Anyway, the message is, if you want your wish to come true, you better point it in the right direction! Right towards Alpha Aquilae...
[Another long pause, and then:]
Hey, John, you better be out there. Because... You were right, you know.
c: replica riku,
!: haruhi suzumiya,
c: yako katsuragi,
c: amy sorel,
c: ahiru