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silverlunettes July 6 2011, 23:37:34 UTC
[After hearing about the unfortunate break in before, Reim's happy to see the cafe open so soon.]

It's good to see the cafe open again. I'll be sure to come by.


cursdbludysmile July 8 2011, 14:43:00 UTC
Thank you!

[And a light, friendly smile because more the merrier (especially for an opening).]

It will be a pleasure to have you. So far we think it will have a warm enough reception with the locals, but then...it's hard for people to not get swept away by Sakura-chan's enthusiasm. Even some of the locals seem to have taken a liking to her.


silverlunettes July 8 2011, 23:57:37 UTC
You're welcome!

[Well, he did promise Sakura he'd be there, and he's not one to break his word.]

She's a very sweet girl, it's probably really hard to hate her.


cursdbludysmile July 10 2011, 05:55:40 UTC
I haven't met a person yet, that she hasn't charmed effortlessly. It's.. refreshing... to meet someone so honest.


silverlunettes July 10 2011, 10:18:52 UTC
Yes, it is. Especially in a place like this. And it's also good that you're with her. I can't imagine that it's easy for her to be here.


cursdbludysmile July 11 2011, 15:24:45 UTC
I think she's adjusting well enough, though truth be told... I am a little concerned about how well she'll be able to adapt to the local schools here. I'd much rather find her a private tutor but [A shrug.] so far no real luck there.


silverlunettes July 11 2011, 21:09:33 UTC
Yes, that's understandable. I'm afraid I don't know any private tutors. But... perhaps it's good for her to be around people her own age.


cursdbludysmile July 11 2011, 22:53:02 UTC
Perhaps. I suppose we'll see soon enough, one way or the other.

[And here, have a light, friendly smile.]

I forget - how did you meet Sakura-chan again mister... huh... I don't think I've caught your name.


silverlunettes July 12 2011, 19:12:21 UTC
Ah, she posted to the network about a break-in at your cafe, so I talked with her for a while, to make sure the two of you were alright. Then, I said when it opened again, I'd stop by.


cursdbludysmile July 13 2011, 19:59:46 UTC
[And still no name from the man. Just a touch odd, but enough for him to take note - especially after asking. Still he smiles slightly in understanding.]

Yes, that was a bit of a trying night. Though no doubt that will certainly make her happy when you come by!


silverlunettes July 14 2011, 14:38:58 UTC
[Reim's not a bad person, truly, he just doesn't know if Fai would connect him to his decapitation. After all, he and Vincent are from the same world.]

I can imagine. Yes, I thought so.


cursdbludysmile July 14 2011, 14:57:26 UTC
[Fai's not one to pry, really. Because to do so means he'd have to leave himself open for prying in return and... no thank you to that!]

Well then, I'll look forward to seeing you - and, of course, if you have any friends that would be interested in trying out a new place, feel free to bring them or something~


silverlunettes July 15 2011, 00:51:35 UTC
[That's great! It's a shame Reim's world is full of priers and people with terrible intentions. Well, mostly.]

Thank you. I'll talk with a few friends of mine and see if they'll come with me.

[There's a light pause. Reim decides to put his nerves aside.]

I'm Reim Lunettes. I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier.


new journal from here~ reflectedstasis July 15 2011, 01:38:45 UTC
Well Reim, it's been a pleasure to meet you. [A pause before he just smiles.]

My name's a bit long, so you can just call me Fai. Until then, right?

[Nope, he really doesn't recognize the name. The only ones that he's really spoken to for any length are Vincent and Gilbert and since their names are Nightray...no recognition there.]


Alright. ^-^ silverlunettes July 16 2011, 01:58:09 UTC
It's been fantastic meeting you as well, Fai.

[Oh, good. And judging by Fai's reaction, Reim understands that. If Reim has everything go smoothly, hopefully Fai will never find out.]


Re: Alright. ^-^ reflectedstasis July 18 2011, 15:23:53 UTC
[He gives one last nod and wave with a smile before killing the connection. Though he is curious about this one, now...]


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