001 | Video

Jul 05, 2011 00:09

What the heck is all this?

[She sounds angry, though it’s hard to tell. Her voice is ragged and she’s obviously exhausted, the starts of bruising forming underneath the skin of her face and arms. Still, it’s obvious that she’s only a teenager, someone has clearly roughed her up pretty good, and she isn’t happy about her new home. It's not dark ( Read more... )

c: bernkastel, c: soul eater evans, !: maka albarn, c: tenten, c: kurt hummel, c: veser amaker hatch, c: william t. spears

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Video hybrid_prodigy July 5 2011, 05:21:16 UTC
[Blink, blink.] Oh, you're Soul's partner?


Video brbwitchkilling July 5 2011, 05:26:07 UTC
Yeah, that's me! Maka Albarn, Scythe Master!

[And she's darn proud of it, too.]


Video hybrid_prodigy July 5 2011, 05:31:37 UTC
[Polite bow of greeting, because that's what he does.] It's nice to meet you, Miss Maka. I'm Gohan; I stay with Soul. I bet he'll be really glad you're finally here.

[As to her injuries, he . . . kinda feels inadequate here.] There ought to be a clinic somewhere close to you, but I'm not sure exactly where. [Because he's never had to go there.]


Video brbwitchkilling July 5 2011, 05:37:47 UTC
[Aw, he's polite and well-spoken. That wins points in her book.] It's nice to meet you too, Gohan. [A beat.] Wait, finally?

I'll find it soon, hopefully. I'm not going to fall apart in the meantime.

[Though, damn, she's really, really sore. At least she has a really high pain tolerance, and is good at hiding that limp.]


Video hybrid_prodigy July 5 2011, 05:41:52 UTC
[More blinking.] Yeah. He's been here for months. Um . . . Nobody explained that part to you?


Video brbwitchkilling July 5 2011, 05:43:43 UTC

[She just shakes her head. There's no way.]

I was just with him. That's impossible.


Video hybrid_prodigy July 5 2011, 05:46:47 UTC
Well, the way things got explained to me is that the Core can take people from different points in time, and that time kinda stops at home while you're gone.

I guess it does sound kinda weird.


Video brbwitchkilling July 5 2011, 05:52:11 UTC
That's...seriously messed up.

[How's she even supposed to wrap her head around that? That's worse than any kind of magic she's been subjected to. Soul might not even be from the same time as her? And he'd really been here for MONTHS without her?]

That's a whole new breed of weird.


Video hybrid_prodigy July 5 2011, 05:56:45 UTC
It kind of is, isn't it? I think just about everybody gets really confused when they first show up here.


Video brbwitchkilling July 5 2011, 06:00:44 UTC
It's pretty hard to imagine NOT being confused.

[One minute she's walking back to Death City with all of her friends, then next she's facedown in a baseball field. Not the best moment of her life, no.]


Video hybrid_prodigy July 5 2011, 06:10:56 UTC
Yeah. I mean, I went to bed one night, and the next thing I knew, I woke up in the baseball field.

... Are you still at the field? I can at least come and keep you company until Soul sees this.


Video brbwitchkilling July 5 2011, 06:14:02 UTC
Yeah, same, only I was just walking. I though I was passing out or something.

[Which, honestly, wouldn't have surprised her.]

Oh, yeah, I am. Are you sure, though? It's going to be dark soon, and I don't want to put you in any danger or anything.

[Because he totally looks like a little kid. She thinks briefly.]

I can start walking if you point me in the right direction?


Video hybrid_prodigy July 5 2011, 06:19:12 UTC
[And he totally is a little kid, yes indeed! Only a mere eleven years old! He offers a reassuring smile.] Oh, that's okay. I can handle monsters; I wouldn't be in danger.

I'd offer to just fly you back to the house, but you did say you wanted to see a doctor first. [What? There's nothing weird about what he's saying at all!]


Video brbwitchkilling July 5 2011, 06:25:51 UTC
[Blink, blink. Alright, so sure, she started fighting monsters around his age, but not by herself. He seems pretty confident though.]

Wait, you can fly? By yourself? [What the heck is with this place?] Uh, that's alright. I can walk. Maybe next time.

[Because she's not sure how comfortable she is with that at the moment.]

I'll probably wait to get looked at tomorrow, maybe? I'll be fine until then.


Video hybrid_prodigy July 5 2011, 06:35:34 UTC
[Sometimes he goes out after dark to help anybody that might need it.]

Mm-hm. [He nods.] Been able to do it for years. Are you sure you want to wait to see a doctor? You seemed to think it was pretty important a minute ago.


Video brbwitchkilling July 5 2011, 06:41:48 UTC
[Yeah, but that was before a young kid started talking about coming out to save her from impending monsters. She doesn't want to be responsible for that.]

I just need some kind of treatment before I do anything too crazy, that's all.

[She pauses.]

It sounds like there might be someone who can help me out, anyway. With the injured part, anyway.


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