Mar 29, 2010 10:15



[He momentarily goes all shiny eyed and weepy looking, hands clasped beneath his chin.] Th-This is such an opportunity for me! Never before have I known the complete and utter happiness of going it on my own! It is like a dream come true! And, better still, I have TWO jobs! I am now just like ( Read more... )

c: roxas, c: miles edgeworth, !: suou tamaki, , c: riku, c: replica riku, †: abel, †: watanuki kimihiro, †: mai taniyama

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[video] daddydaioh March 29 2010, 17:05:57 UTC


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[video] daddydaioh March 29 2010, 17:19:33 UTC
But I don't have a diary!

Er, when you say "we"... Well, never mind! I have important things to say that people need to be aware of! I suppose I could make fliers and post them around the city, but that would seem rather silly and would take a great deal of time. So this seems the easiest way, yes? Plus, I need red ink.


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( Video ) 1/3 daddydaioh March 29 2010, 17:33:16 UTC
[Just silence and quiet intimidation for a few minutes. Sir, your directness is slightly terrifying.]


( Video ) 2/3 daddydaioh March 29 2010, 17:33:55 UTC
[Makes a quick recovery!] N-No, but-- I had asked for assistance with finding a job before, yes? And many people offered their advice! So it was an update on a that situation for all involved parties! And I think it's very important to share all good news, since there's so much bad news all of the time, yes?


( Video ) 3/3 daddydaioh March 29 2010, 17:34:25 UTC
Wait-- [also in French, definitely not mumbled but all in a rush because omg exicting] French? You speak French? ARE YOU FROM FRANCE?!


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( Video | Français ) 1/2 daddydaioh March 29 2010, 17:38:17 UTC
( Video | Français ) daddydaioh March 29 2010, 17:43:32 UTC

Well, not Marseille, but Picardy, in the south! Ah, but I have had the opportunity to visit Marseille--very charming, very quaint! The atmosphere, the warmth--the lovely people! And such diversity! Such unique cuisine, it is quite unlike anything else! I ate in so many different restaurants while there, so many different dishes--I was a little mistrustful of the pig's feet, but they ended up being surprisingly delectable! The whole trip was just delightful! You are so lucky to have lived there!


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( Video | Français ) daddydaioh March 29 2010, 17:53:58 UTC
Oh? Ah, I have sampled bouillabaise in Paris, of course, but I am sure that it is quite different in its natural setting! I will be sure to sample some upon my return home, should I ever manage to return to France, since it has been recommended by a local!

As a fellow countryman, I must know your name! Ah, how unfair that we have not met before this point! We could have been having so many wonderful conversations! And it is so rare that I receive the opportunity to speak French! This is wonderful!


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( Video | Français ) daddydaioh March 29 2010, 19:08:56 UTC
Is it? Hm! Well, I did not notice... but perhaps it is because my taste is not discerning enough, or perhaps because I have yet to sample the native variety! RIGHT! [fistclench!] That will be the first thing that I will order upon my return!

['Conversing' more likely will involve commoner's candy and instant coffee and lots of mood swings, but!] Ah, my apologies! How rude! I have neglected to introduce myself--I am Suou Tamaki, but I insist that you call me Tamaki! It is important to be on good terms with one's countrymen, and I am sure that you and I will be on the best of terms!


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